A new enemy

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"Honestly I wish you had seen his face, it was red of anger" Yn laughed and Hermione couldn't help but smile. It probably wasn't the best idea to be annoying towards Draco, but Yn just thought it was so fun to see him mad, after all he did look like at tomato whenever he was angry.

'A new day, a new me' that's what Yn always had been told, but it seemed that Draco had never heard that quote before, he kept throwing paper over to Yn and Harry's table in History of Magic class. Yn decided to open one of them an sat the note "you think you are so great at everything, well I can tell just by looking at you, you are just a stupid mudblood... Draco" Harry looked over at the note and opened another one to see if they all were bad "you are the most useless and filthy mudblood I've ever seen... King of slytherin" Harry showed the note to Yn, she took a little paper out and wrote "it's pathetic that you call yourself 'king of slytherin' Honestly it sounds like something a child would say" she threw the note over to Draco and his face was full of anger. A few minutes later he threw a new paper over at Yn, he missed and it landed on the floor. "Mr. Malfoy are you throwing notes over to miss. Granger?" Asked Professor McGonagall "No professor, of course not" Draco looked like he thought it would work "then I suppose you wouldn't mind if I take a look at the paper that you just threw, and read it to your classmates?" McGonagall looked at him with a strict face "go ahead, but it's a waste of time, there's nothing on there" Draco looked desperate for her not to open it. Professor McGonagall picked up the note and read out to the class " ' it's not pathetic to adress yourself as something many people call you, but it is pathetic that mudbloods can go to school at Hogwarts... King of Slytherin.' Mr. Malfoy you do not use the word mudblood and you most certainly do not call your classmates that, you have just gotten yourself a detention. And you will apologize to miss. Granger right now"
As professor McGonagall was done being mad at Draco and continued the lesson, Draco whispered "are you happy now? I got detention because of you" he was really mad "it's not my fault that you hate muggle-borns and like making fun of people by throwing notes at them" Yn whispered back.

Enemies to lovers ( Draco x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now