A crazy rumor

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"Yn, you have to get up now, I know you're tired from last night but 10 am" Hermione shook Yns shoulder first her to wake up. "Can't I just lay her 5 more minutes?" Yn asked, Hermione looked at her sister and sighed  "fine, fine, I'm gonna get up now, but if I'm tired all day it's your fault" Yn was not ready to wake up but there was no other choice "Oh, and Yn, we are going to Hogsmeade with Ron and Harry soyou need to have real clothes on" Hermione knew that if she didn't say that then Yn would have pj's on the entire day.

"I'm gonna go over and order, what du you guys want?" Harry asked " i wanna get a hot chocolate with cookies" Yn answered even though she just ate breakfast "I think I'll get the same as Yn"  Hermione answered felling cold. "I'm just gonna go with you and order" Ron said.
Yn saw a little group whispering and pointing a her and asked "Hermione do you know why people are whispering and pointing at me?" Hermione sighed but answered  "yes, the are just talking about a rumor, don't worry about it" Yn was interested in was this rumor was about "What rumor, and is it bad?" She asked "it's about you and Draco, somebody thinks you're dating" Hermione answered but didn't know why there was a Rumer like that "Dating? What, no, we're the exact opposite, we're enemies" Yn was so confused, she had never flitted with him or the other way around.

Yn saw Draco while walking down Hogsmeade and wondered if she should ask him if he knew why there was a Rrumer about them dating, but she was to late to make up her mind. "Why the hell are people talking about us dating? Is this some kind of joke?" Draco asked with a rage of anger "No, I was about to ask you the same question" Yn answered  not knowing what was happening "well Blaise said that he saw you with me last night at the party, I just have one problem, and that is that I don't remember a thing from after the first 25 minutes" he full of anger and Yn could see it in his face, it was bright red. "Well I don't remember anything either, maybe you should ask Blaise what happened" Yn snared at him "I already have and he said we were dancing. Together." Draco was almost yelling at this point. "If you don't fix this  soon then you will regret it" he said.

Enemies to lovers ( Draco x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now