♥♥♥ Axel Blaze X Diana ♥♥♥

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The beach stadium is packed with cheering fans as the intense match between Inazuma Eleven and the formidable alien team, Epsilon Prime, reaches its climax. The players are giving their all on the field, but the tension is palpable as the alien team seems to be gaining the upper hand.

On the sidelines, standing among the Raimon Eleven team members, Diana watches the match anxiously. She's been doing her best to support the team since joining, but her thoughts are often with her best friend, Axel Blaze, who went missing during his training abroad.

Suddenly, the stadium's a figure in a familiar jersey storms onto the field. It's Axel Blaze, looking determined and slightly disheveled from his recent struggles.

DIANA: *stunned* Axel? Is that really you?

AXEL: *grinning* Yeah, it's me. I'm back, Diana!

Diana's eyes light up with joy as she runs towards Axel, not believing what she's seeing. The other players on the field and the spectators in the stands are equally surprised and excited by Axel's return.

DIANA: *hugging Axel tightly* I can't believe you're here! I was so worried.

AXEL: *hugs her back* I'm sorry I left you behind, but I couldn't risk you being in danger.

DIANA: *teary-eyed* We were targeted because of you, right? They wanted to use us to get to you.



Yeah, they did, and I won't forgive them for that.

Diana nods, understanding the situation. The two of them hold each other, sharing a brief moment of relief amidst the chaos of the match.

AXEL: *whispers* I missed you, Diana.

DIANA: *whispers back* I missed you too, Axel.

Unexpectedly, Axel leans in, and their lips meet in a passionate kiss. The crowd and the players on both teams are stunned into silence, witnessing this emotional reunion. Nobody had known about the deep bond between Axel and Diana before this moment.

As they break the kiss, Axel and Diana look at each other, realizing the implications of their actions. But in the midst of the battle against the aliens, they couldn't hold back their feelings any longer.

MARK: *grinning* Well, I didn't see that coming.

JUDE: *smiling* Looks like Axel had more than one reason to come back.

The other players exchange amused glances, but it's clear that they support their teammate and his best friend.

AXEL: *apologetic* I should have told everyone about you, Diana. I just didn't want you to get caught up in my mess.

DIANA: *softly* It's okay, Axel. I'm just glad you're back, and we'll face this together.

The two of them share a determined look, reaffirming their friendship and newfound love. With Axel's return and their unwavering resolve, the Raimon Eleven regains their strength and goes on to win the match against Epsilon Prime, securing victory for both the team and Axel's loved ones.


The dust has settled the detective, who was investigating the alien invasion, stands at the front, explaining the situation.

DETECTIVE: *nodding* So, that's the whole story. The aliens were after Axel, using his loved ones as leverage. But thankfully, we managed to thwart their plans, and they won't be causing any more trouble for him and his girls.

The team members listen intently, absorbing the details of the investigation.

ERIC: *raising an eyebrow* Hey, Axel, who exactly is Diana to you? I mean, you two seem pretty close.

Axel Blaze | Inazuma Eleven Imagines BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now