♥♥♥ Axel Blaze X Diana: Unexpected News ♥♥♥

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Axel Blaze and Diana are sitting on a bench in the courtyard of their dormitory, away from the bustling crowds of the national tournament. They are deep in conversation, leaning close to each other.

Axel: (whispering) You know, Di, these matches are intense, but being here with you makes everything feel better.

Diana: (smiling) I know what you mean, Axel. We've been through so much together.

Axel: (glancing around, then leaning in) Diana, there's something I've been wanting to do for a while now.

Diana: (curious) What is it?

Axel leans in and kisses Diana deeply, surprising her for a moment. She quickly melts into the kiss, her fingers curling around his shirt. After a lingering moment, they pull away, both looking breathless but happy.

Diana: (blushing) Wow, Axel. That was...unexpected.

Axel: (smirking) Well, unexpected is my middle name.

Just then, Jude and Mark walk by and notice the intimate moment between Axel and Diana. Their jaws drop in surprise.

Jude: (whispering to Mark) Did you see that?

Mark: (wide-eyed) Yeah, I can't believe it!

Axel notices their reactions and chuckles.

Axel: (raising an eyebrow) What's with the shocked faces, guys?

Jude: (stammering) Uh, we...didn't know you two were...um...

Mark: (recovering) Yeah, we didn't know you guys were that close.

Diana: (giggling) Well, secrets are secrets for a reason, right?

Axel: (grinning) Speaking of secrets, there's something else you guys don't know.

Jude and Mark exchange curious glances as Axel takes a deep breath.

Axel: (seriously) Diana and I are going to have a baby.

Jude and Mark's eyes widen even more in disbelief.

Jude: (stumbling over his words) Wait, you mean...you're...you two?

Mark: (in shock) How did that even happen?

Axel: (smirking) Well, you see, there's this balcony...

Jude: (interrupting) Wait, you mean you were sneaking into her room through the balcony?!

Mark bursts out laughing.

Mark: (chuckling) Axel, how haven't you fallen and broken your neck doing that?

Axel: (grinning) Well, I'm agile on and off the field, you know.

Diana: (playfully) And I was the lookout, making sure no one saw him climbing up.

Jude: (teasing) Axel, you've got some serious guts, man.

Mark: (still laughing) Seriously, I can't believe you pulled that off.

Axel: (turning serious) But now we've got a bigger challenge ahead. My old man's gonna flip when he finds out about the baby.

Diana: (nodding) We're worried about that. But we're in this together.

Jude: (smiling) Well, whatever happens, you've got our support.

Mark: (agreeing) Yeah, you're part of the team, through thick and thin.

Diana: (grinning) Thanks, guys. That means a lot.

As they continue chatting, their laughter and camaraderie fill the air, overshadowing any worries they might have about the future.

Axel Blaze | Inazuma Eleven Imagines BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now