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They all entered into the House and Porsche was amazed to see the huge mansion…from now on he's going to live in this mansion with his husband kinn

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They all entered into the House and Porsche was amazed to see the huge mansion…from now on he's going to live in this mansion with his husband kinn

Korn: Porsche.. you like the house?

Korn asked him by seeing Porsche looking at the whole house

Porsche: Yeah I love it…it's looking so huge

Porsche said while looking around and korn smiled at him..

Then kinnporsche went to their room and again Porsche was amazed to see kinn's bedroom and now his bedroom too

Kinn saw Porsche is looking the bedroom so he went to take a shower…. after he done he came out while wrapped a towel Around his waist…Porsche lost in his words and stared at kinn…kinn looks at Porsche and porsche immediately turned his head to another side

Kinn: go and take a shower and come downstairs

Kinn said simply and head to downstairs…then Porsche went to take a shower…

Soon he also finished took shower and get dressed and head to downstairs and sees everyone is there and waiting for Porsche..

Korn: Ohh Porsche you here…you must be hungry come and eat

Porsche nods and they all ate together…after done everyone went to their rooms to sleep..

Kinn was already laid down on the bed but Porsche…stands there and kinn noticed him

Kinn was already laid down on the bed but Porsche…stands there and kinn noticed him

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(Their bedroom)

Kinn: what?

Porsche: you feel comfortable if I lay down beside you?

Kinn: no problem but don't come near to me ok?

Porsche: o-ok

Then Porsche laid down beside kinn…but there is so much gap between them…after sometime kinn fall asleep but Porsche don't…

He was awake and thinking about kinn.. He don't understand why kinn is behaving with him like cold…he keep thinking about kinn

From next day…kinn didn't talk to Porsche but Porsche wants to talk to kinn and ask him what happened to him and why is he behaving towards him…but Porsche was scared to talk to him…because he still remember the cold glare on his face on his wedding day…except kinn everyone was good and talking to him.. But Porsche Wants kinn to talk to him but he don't…he just doing his own business and ignore Porsche.. But Porsche don't understand…Negative thoughts started coming in Porsche's mind…like.. What if kinn don't like this marriage? Don't kinn love me? He keep thinking about until his head starts aching everyone is talking with Porsche in the house but somewhere else feels empty.. and it's about kinn…he is happy that evryone in the house talking and taking care of him so well…but he wants kinn to take cars of him at least talk to him nicely but kinn hasn't talk to Porsche.. only if he wants anything he just talk a bit…whenever Porsche feels alone he called his mom but…she never lifted the call he even tried to text her but again she didn't respond for that…Porsche understood his mother is still same didn't change a bit..

Days and weeks has passed but kinn is kinn.. Didn't changed.. Even a bit.. soonn.. months has passed and Porsche found out kinn is not love with him…this made him heart broken..all of these months Porsche thought kinn loves him too but one day…Porsche called kinn for dinner but kinn shouted at him in anger and said one word.. it's I DON'T LOVE YOU these words makes Porsche realised kinn don't love him..and kinn was keep ignoring Porsche he didn't talk with him..not even a single word..He did not understand that he should share his pain with anyone.. He who is suffering in himself..he cries silently for many nights, Porsche wanted to tell his mother his pain but..Even his mother started ignoring Porsche completely..Still Porsche did not understand with whom to share his pain..He hides his pain and suffers

Namphueng…mother of Porsche…She stopped talking completely until her son got married.Not even once did she call or text Porsche..She thinks that her responsibility is over after her son gets married...but she doesn't know that her son relationship with kinn is not going well..well does she even care about Porsche when the day he tell her about his bad relationship with kinn?...Now she lives like a rich woman because after marriage…kinn's father korn gave her 2k…So she lives comfortably with the money given by him Will she change one day? ...or will she stay like this?

In mansion

Everyone was asleep except Porsche.. He couldn't sleep…so he slowly got up from the bed without waking kinn…and went to pool..he sits near the pool and swings his legs in the pool…

Pete…who got thirsty and came to drink some water after he finished he was about to go back to his room to sleep but he saw someone was at the pool so he went there and realised it's Porsche…

Pete: Porsche?

He called him and Porsche turned his head back and sees pete and smiled

Porsche: Ohh hey pete.. Why are you still awake?

Pete: I am sleeping but felt thirsty so I woke up…and why are you still awake?

Porsche: ohh.. I couldn't sleep..

Pete: Why?

Porsche: Don't know pete…come sit here

Porsche pats beside him and pete went to him and sits beside Porsche

Porsche: Pete..can I ask you something?

Pete: Sure Porsche

Porsche: Kinn.. Don't like this marriage?

Porsche asked pete…Pete looks at Porsche and gulped in nervous

Porsche: come on pete…tell me plzz

Pete: w-well……yes Porsche..khun kinn doesn't like this marriage..

Pete said with slow voice and Porsche smiled sadly

Porsche: Yeah…I know that recently…but if he don't like this marriage then why did he married me?

Pete: ohh it's…khun korn forced him to marry you…But kinn..he shouted at his father and made a huge mess.. But his father already made his decision so he has no choice.. So he accepted to marry you

Pete said and tears welled in Porsche's eyes

Porsche: I-i thought he loved me too but I was wrong…he never at least liked me..not even little bit..b-but I love him pete…. I already promised myself to not give up on him even he hates me.. I believe he will change one day..and I will wait for that day…

Porsche said and sniffled and wiped the tears

Pete: Don't worry Porsche..true love always wins and…your love on him is true too so he will definitely accept day

Pete said patts Porsche shoulder reassuringly…Porsche smiled at him

I love you matter how much you hates me..I will not stop loving you

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