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Kinn searched the whole house but he still couldn't find Porsche…

He frustratedly sits down on the sofa.. he leaned back to the sofa and closed his eyes they he suddenly remembered one room…it's his dark or red room…kinn use this room to torture their enemies…

He wonder why Porsche would be there but still he take pete and big with him..and walk to that room..

In room

Porsche was handcuffed…that man tied the handcuffs to the bed.. Porsche was still in intoxication so he couldn't see that person's face clearly..he tried to talk but that person covered Porsche mouth with tape…that man was about to strip Porsche pants but he heard some footsteps…so he immediately jumped from the window…

Soon kinn and his bodyguards reaches the room and kinn open the door.. They all shocked to Porsche in that state…so kinn ran to Porsche and take him in his arms and tried to get him to sence but it didn't work so kinn immediately removed the cuffs and take picks up Porsche in bridal style and took him to their room and lays him down on the bed…kinn tell pete to cancle the party..pete insisted and tells everyone to leave so they all left…soon korn finds out about Porsche situation…but first he want to talk to kinn.. So korn went to their room to talk but he saw kinn is changing Porsche cloths…so he decided to talk to him in morning…

Skip to next morning..

Porsche woke up with headache so he slowly sits on the bed and he realised his cloths are been changed

Porsche: who changed my cloths? ….maybe kinn!?

Porsche wondered.. Then he was about to get up from the bed then kinn came..

Kinn: you're awake…get ready and come downstairs we need to talk

Kinn said coldly and porsche gulped.. Then Kinn left

Porsche: o-omg…did I do anything stupid?

Then Porsche done his morning routine and got dressed and went to downstairs…he saw kinn is in living room and seeing something in ipad…so he went to kitchen and sees pete

Porsche: pete

Pete: huh?...oh are you feeling now?

Porsche: yeah I'm good na next
Just a little bit headache.. But don't worry it will gone soon

Pete: ok then…here eat breakfast

Porsche: ok but…did I do anything stupid last night? Looks like kinn is angry on me

Porsche whispered to pete and pete turned his head to other side

Pete: w-well..not stupid but…something happened to you Porsche

Porsche: what happened to me?

Pete: it's uhh…you got dru–

Kinn: Porsche eat fastly.. I said we need to talk

Kinn said and Porsche immediately starts eat his brekfast..

Pete: hmm ..kinn will tell you Porsche eat now ok

Then pete left from there…soon Porsche finished his breakfast and went to kinn…

Kinn:hmm…so do you anything what happened yesterday? If yes tell me

Porsche: uhh…i feel tired yesterday so I came inside to take some rest…then one waiter came and gave me juice and I drank it

Kinn: then?

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