Chapter Eight

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"Are you out yet?" Jake asked through the phone as I walked out of my therapist, Janet's, office.

Yes I have a therapist. After talking it through with Zayn and Jake, they suggested for me to get a therapist and looked one up. Luckily, Janet was one of the best therapists in our town so they chose to get her for me.

Unfortunately, she was pretty pricey so both Zayn and Jake were paying for my therapy sessions. I tried to get them out of the idea but they wouldn't budge. They were so stubborn.

At first I refused to go to the classes but after a month of taking them I started to feel better. She asked me about my day and how I tried to improve myself into getting better.

I told her about everything. Well I had to. But it felt nice when she listened to me like as if she really did care and didn't just do it for the money.

What I meant about getting better, I didn't mean physically. I was emotionally getting better which meant that I was still wincing away from Zayn.

But I tried.

I still see the hurt look he carried when he tried to touch me. I knew he understood but I could still see that it pained him to see me this way and not being able to do anything about it.

It took me three weeks to accept him holding my hand.

I didn't know how long it would take for him to hug or kiss me but I could only hope for it to be soon.

"Yeah." I replied to my brother. "I just got out and am now headed to Mandy's car."

No one allowed me to drive yet. They said it was about my safety but I knew that the real reason was that they were afraid that I wouldn't be able to drive after the things that happened to me.

"Alright I'll see you at home. I'll be there at around eight, I have a package to deliver and after that I'm headed to spend some time with Kat."

I nodded even though he couldn't see me. "Okay. I'll see you later."

"Love you Fay."

"Love you,too Jake." I hung up.

I put my phone away and noticed Mandy parked on the street in front of the offices.

She looked up from her phone and gave me a small smile as I walked towards her and into her car.

"Hey Fay." She greeted me. "How was your session?"

I buckled myself up and turned towards her as she started to drive. "Good."

"How long are you going to be in those classes?" She asked curiously looking at the road as she drove.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know. Janet said that when I am fully recovered I can decide whether I want to stay or not."

"ARE you recovering Faith?" Mandy questioned.

I turned from the window to her. I didn't respond immediately, it took me a while. I sighed and said," Yeah. It's taking some time though so I'm not sure how long it's going to take."

"And how does Zayn feel about it?" She asked when we stopped at a red light.

I looked down at my hands on my lap and shook my head. Tears beginning to well up. "I don't know. I haven't really seen him or talked to him in a long time."

Mandy didn't say anything. She just drove when the green light appeared.


She slightly turned to see me but still glanced at the street just in case. "Yes?"

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