We can't give up!

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HeyMich's POV.

"Why won't that damn snake just die!?"
I yelled in frustration,
"Garh! MistyGirl!? Don't just lay there! help us defeat this disgusting snake man!"
Glinte called out. I glanced at MistyGirl who still was laying near the alley,
I saw a figure stand in front of her and pick her up.

There was a flash of light and then they where gone,
"What the heck it going on here?" I asked myself as I kicked the beast hard in the stomach as I watched him roll over.
He stood right up and threw poisonous gas right at us all, and with that he disappeared.

CutieNightmare's POV.

I coughed and looked at the others, "He escaped!" I called out.
"Yeah! We see that CutieNightmare! Thanks for nothing!"
Glinte yelled clenching her fists.
"Hey! There's no need to get angry at each other!" Sam called out,
"Right now we have other things to worry about!" Yuko said pointing towards the dark alley.

I looked towards the alley and saw MistyGirl's shadow,

"If you want BloodDragon back you can go back to the shrine in the forest, here's the location"

she said throwing a piece of paper. I picked it up and put it in my pocket,
"What about MistyGirl!?"
Kisa asked starring at the shadow.

"You will not get her back, she's mine and swear that I will kill anyone who tries to take her back"

she disappeared and we started to walk back home.

Sam's POV.

I was walking beside Kisa, he looked pretty depressed.
"I something wrong Kisa?" I asked as I took his hand,
he smiled and squeezed my hand.
"Nope! Nothing to worry about!" he said as he continued to smile.
Glinte sighed crossing her arms when we reached the house,

"How the heck are we gonna get MistyGirl back!?"
she whispered angrily at herself.
"I'm afraid that we don't have a chance...I guess we have to give up"
I looked at Glinte who had rage in her eyes.
She slapped me hard without giving me a sign of mercy,
"Ouch! What was that...!"

"Don't you dare give up yet!" she cut me off.
"MistyGirl is a very nice person and we can't just let her stay there with her damn shadow!" she yelled.
She had tears in the corner of her eyes, "Calm down Glinte, we will find a solution to this problem"
CutieNightmare said placing a hand on Glinte's shoulder.

Glinte nodded and went back to her room,
Kisa came towards me.
"Sam! Are you okay!? Are you hurt?" Kisa asked glaring at my cheek that burnt a bit, so I assumed that it was burning red.
Kisa stroked my cheek and smiled at me slightly,

"Glinte is just scared...it's normal that she acts like this" he said as he sat down by my side and leaned his head on my shoulder.

Glinte's POV.

I sat down on my bed burying my face into the pillow,
"D-damn it!" I said as I threw the pillow across my room.
i felt a tear run down my cheek, I dried my eyes in my shirt and buried my face into the bare mattress trying to think of a plan to get both BloodDragon and MistyGirl safely out of the shrine without killing anyone.
I would have fallen asleep if it wasn't for someone pounding on my door,

I opened it and saw Kaiya glare at me.
"Where's Onee-sama?" she asked with a cold voice which surprised me,
I sighed and shook my head.
"I'm sorry Kaiya...w-we...lost...her" It was hard to say to her 'little sister'
Kaiya began to sob.

Kaiya's POV.

I started to sob uncontrollably, I couldn't help the thought of Onee-sama sit in the darkness with her shadow torturing her.
I ran down the hall crying, I needed to be alone for a while.
I ran outside and sat down at a bench and watched the birds fly by.
I know this maybe was a stupid idea, but I couldn't help it.
I ran into the forest and saw the shrine,
"Forgive me..." I whispered as I ran into the shrine.
"MistyGirl!" I called out, she appeared wrapped in chains,
"Kaiya!? You're not supposed to be here! Go back home!"
she yelled. "B-but...you're going to die if we don't do anything!"
I cried out.
"P-please...Onee-sama!" I cried,
she shook her head as a wave of shadows carried me back to the house where SteelFace greeted me with a hug.
"Where have you been Kaiya!?" she asked looking down at me,
I was still crying.
"I-I went to see MistyGirl...she's wrapped in chains,"
I manged to say.
"W-we need to get her back! Oh, and also BloodDragon"
I said loosening myself from her grip and went inside and laid on the couch.
"We need to get them back" I whispered.

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