1.Encounter with the Uncalled Storm

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Now Enjoy with with "The Boy She Called Her Nightmare"

Now Enjoy with with "The Boy She Called Her Nightmare"

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Mishika's pov
This can't be happening. I'm not ready to face him. Not yet or ever. Just by looking at his face, all my wounds, all the scars and all the fears, which I've spent years fighting, resurfaced.

I paced frantically in the room which I'm supposed to be sharing with my mother till the wedding finishes. I should have listened to my gut feeling and should have never come here. Why did Lara di have to be so annoying that I took no interest in digging about her wedding details ?

My head snapped when the door creaked open and my mother came in. I gulped. I need to think of something to get out of here. I watched as she went on explaining the clothes she brought for me to wear.

"Maa." I called out trying to fill some confidence in myself. She turned to spare me a glance signalling me to continue whatever I wanted to say.

"Maa, I don't feel well. Can I go back ? And I think I'll be called for the new project." I hated lying to my mother but I don't have any option.

"But you said you were granted the leave and will spend a few days with us." I fiddled to come up with something else but couldn't get anything right now. Lying is not my cup of tea. Though I've managed to keep a few dark truths hidden from my parents.

And I feel extremely guilty for that. And Aarav Oberoi is the name of the dark truth of my life which better be in the dark.

"Mishu, what will we answer to your bade papa ? You know how they are, right ?" I sighed out. Of course he will leave no chance to taunt my parents if I leave.

Rajeev Singhania or should say Singh, my Bade Papa, has done nothing good to us except making us feel worthless in comparison to him for his whole life. He acquired the whole property and my naive father said nothing due to the respect for his elder brother.

His daughter refused to go to the same college or high school as I because that would lower her standards. And I am very much thankful for it though. I already had enough people to make my life hell in those days. Another one wasn't required.

In India you just can't miss or leave your cousin's wedding. Because it will be a spicy topic all around your nosy relatives. And I don't want people to unnecessarily bother my parents because of my problems. Not anymore.

'Just two days.' I repeated in my head. Stay far away from him, avoid him like he isn't here. Just for two days.
Author's pov
Hence after, Mishika found herself in the farthest corner of the party zone. Her fingers danced on the edge of the glass that rested on the bar counter. Later that evening Lara came barging in to take Mishika for the bachelor's party.

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