32.The Devil is No World Saving Hero

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Hope you guys enjoyed the spoiler I dropped earlier on ig 🌚

Aarav's pov "Never thought a day would come when I would see you taking a work load

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Aarav's pov
"Never thought a day would come when I would see you taking a work load." I didn't need to lift my head to guess that Mishti must be wiping her fake tears when I heard her sniffing from the screen.

Continuing to analyse the file I've been reading, I let out a grunt, "For your enlightenment, my dad stopped giving me paychecks for free long ago."

"Suits you." She sassed, annoying me further than she already has been doing by being on facetime.

My gaze flickers to the screen when I hear her letting out a weird noise, her palm going straight to her mouth and next second she was rushing somewhere followed by the concerned voice of her Italian boyfriend.

The pen between my fingers continuously taps against the desk, my eyes fixed on the screen. My body, instinctively, got in previous posture as the shuffling sound from the other side of the screen reached my ears and I feigned nonchalance.

Over the years, pretending not to care has become an instinct which my body has got accustomed to.

"I'm too young to be an uncle." I quipped in, my tone mocking with a clear moto to rile her up. "I'm gifting you condoms from next Christmas."

By the look on her face, if she could jump out the screen then she would have strangled me to death. "Ever heard of food poisoning, asshole ?"

My back crouched leisurely on the chair, a small guffaw leaving my lips. "Suits you."

A loud groan vented past her lips. It looked like she was about to pull out her hair until she was bald. Too busy imagining a bald Mishti in my head, I didn't pay much heed when the screen went on hold. However when the screen lit up again, my body went still as the most captivating face graced the screen.

I watched how she abruptly stopped talking, her eyes widening in bafflement when they met mine. Fuck! Right this moment I couldn't decide if I wanted to thank Mishti or throttle her.

"Hello Honey-eye." She sucked in a breath and automatically a smirk pulled on the corner of my lips. Seeing the way I affect her even though I can't even touch a strand of her hair, entices the diabolical points in me in a very twisted way.

Her eyes avoid my hawk-like stare while she shuffles through some papers by her side. It feels like back to those days when we would sit around each other for longer and longer, but rarely would speak a word, while her flustered self would try to avoid my eyes all while.

I__uh_" Her words trail off, a tint of scarlet climbing on her cheeks. It makes me wonder if she is reminiscing about the evening two days ago. "I've got some errands to take care of. See you, Mishti."

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