~Part 1~

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Y/N pov:
It all happened so fast..i didnt have time to react..as i looked around the dark sky and trough the streets,roaming my eyes while the rain poured on to me..the last thing i remember was fighting with the L.O.V. Until one of the villains attacked me with their quirk..i was sure the light that the villain shot at me hit me..so i closed my eyes,but the moment i opened them i saw i was an a strange place..

After finally an hour of looking around and standing still at that exact position and place,i started to roam around the streets,hearing loud screams,as i approach closer,i saw many people beating and fighting each other,while a certain yellow haired male was yelling at the light blonde male,that appear to be injured,and on their side was two females.

Calmy i started to approach them"excuse me..do you perhaps in need of assistance??"i ask with a soft voice,as the 4 attention's went to me,one of them which is a blonde female looked at me with tears on her eyes as she spoke

"YES PLS!!D-DRAKEN!MY FRIEND WAS STAB!AND THE AMBULANCE IS TAKING LONG DUE TO THE TRAFFIC!"The blonde female informed me with a bit of cracked voice when she spoke,as i looked at them and nodded while i ripped out a piece of clothing from my hero outfit and walked to them calmy,as i applied pressure to the tall light blonde's male's wound before i wrapped the ripped piece of fabric to his wound,still applying pressure,while the four stared at me

"It might stop or slow down the bleeding,how long will it take for the ambulance to arrive??"i ask and looked at them with a usual poker like face 

"3-35 minutes"the peach haired female spoke to me as i looked at the wound one last time and nodded"35 minutes might be enough"i said.

"a-ano..may i ask your name??"the blonde female said to me,as i looked at him and nodded my head and spoke again

"Todoroki Y/n"i said as one of them spoke again

"S-sano emma!"
"Tachibana Hinata.."
"Hanagaki Takemitchi"
"R-ryuguji k-"the tall male tried to speak but i sush him with my finger as i stared into his black eyes with my turquoise one 

"dont speak,save your breath.."i said as i looked at the wound again and clicked my tongue..it wont stop bleeding,was the cut to deep??i tried to apply more pressure to it,until thankfully the ambulance arrived and took the tall light blonde male,i observe them place the man on a stretcher and take him to the ambulance,as it started to drive off,while the other 3 bowed and thanked me as they quickly followed the ambulance. 

Meanwhile i just nodded slightly at them when they bowed at me,as i turned around and started to walk away as well,at a different direction

"I wish that poor Male will survive"i whispered to myself,as i felt a pair of hands grab my shoulder as i stopped my tracks and turned my head..to see a tall male with black and yellow hair and golden eyes

"Hello~ your face is cute,like a doll~"the male said with a grin as a hint of irritation might be vissible to my face

"who are you??state your business"i ordered boldly and calmy,but the guy just let my shoulder go and chuckled as he started to walk away 

"Hanama Shuji,remember that..hope you see you soon Doll~"the tall male told me in a flirty like tone before i ignored it and walked away once more..thoughts flodding my head..'where am i?' 'how did this happen?' 'is everyone ok??is nii-san ok?' those thoughts flodded my mind..

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