Chapter 1 - Birthday surprise

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I'm happy I just started to make a story about the banana splits ^^

No ones pov:

Your name was Y/n you lived with your mom and step-dad. You also had two brothers, their names are Austin and Harley.

First person pov:

I couldn't sleep at all I was just so excited because tomorrow is my little brothers birthday. I made sure I got him the most perfect gift I could think of. I was so busy thinking that I flinched when I heard a scream. So I got up and grabbed my baseball bat.

I headed out of my room quietly to the livingroom to see what the noise was. I made it to the livingroom just to see mom and harley talking, so I walk up to them and ask

"Uh.... what happened?" Right when I said that their heads turned to me. Beth which is my mom answered saying "Oh sweetie, your brother just scared me that's all hun." Hm how could my brother scare mom??? So I asked "Harley why are you up it's like-" I checked my phone "it's 11:23 at night why aren't you in bed?"

Harley then replied with a "It's because my birthday is tomorrow and I'm just too excited to go to sleep...." Well I can relate to that- "Harley if you don't go to sleep I won't give you my gift I got you tomorrow" That should get him. "Aww.... Okay brother... "

Wow that actually worked- I'm surprised-. Harley was heading to his room but then he asked me "Brother... Can you tuck me in..?" I was just happy but mom thought this was cute, but I saw her heading to Austin's room. "Okay Harley... " I began walking to Harleys room and thought 'Hm I wonder what mom has planned for his birthday tomorrow'

I was now in Harleys room tucking him in bed but he asked me
"Hey y/n..?" "What Harley..?" "Whats your favorite split?" Oh is he talking about the banana splits? "Well, I think all of them are my favorite.. " Oh yeah my brother is super obsessed with the banana splits right now he's wearing a snorky onesie. "Ooo cool mines snorky and I love when he does the snorky shuffle it's so cool!" This made me giggle to see his little sparks of excitement he has. "Goodnight bud" I saw as he replies with "goodnight y/n...".

I get up and walk out of the room quietly closing the door. I just realized that I still had my baseball bat so I walked back to my room and placed it back down. I walked to my bed and layed down. I started drifting to sleep, and then finally sleeping

- - - - - - - - - - -The next day- - - - - - - - - -

Still first person pov:

I slowly opened my eyes, slowly rising from my bed yawning. I got up and looked in my wardrobe to find clothes to wear for today. I found a nice pair of clothes to wear.

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𝐄𝐯𝐢𝐥-..? (𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙱𝚊𝚗𝚊𝚗𝚊 𝚂𝚙𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚜 𝚇 𝙼𝚊𝚕𝚎 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛) Where stories live. Discover now