Chapter Eighteen: Cannon In D Minor

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Benny floated up to see what he was talking about. "Oh, no..."

There were several more gasps as the others stepped out from behind him, and were treated to the view of the Sea Cow's wreckage floating in the water, washing up on shore. The cyborg pirate let out a bellow of anguish, and didn't have the time to react before he was shot for a third time, collapsing with a crash. Unikitty screeched out a war cry and galloped down onto the beach, followed closely by Lucy and Benny and Bad Cop. She snarled as she barreled right over one of the pirates, baring fangs and claws for the fight. Bad Cop had drawn his gun and stunned several more before Airheart engaged him herself. Emmet hesitated for only a moment longer before running out onto the beach as well.

Business ducked into the undergrowth the moment the fighting broke out, patting his pocket for the key he carried. Satisfied it was still there, he took stock of the situation. It was complete mayhem, that perhaps being their only saving grace from the pistols the sky pirates carried- they didn't want to risk hitting one of their own in the madness. His gaze drifted over to where Metalbeard had collapsed and was now screaming insults, the only contribution he could make while immobile. An idea started to form.

He made his way over to his fallen friend, taking care to remain unseen. Metalbeard's hollering faltered as his frame shifted suddenly, and he looked down to see Business rearranging him so his gun arm was propped up on one of his legs. "What are ye doin'?"

"Once upon a time, I was friends with two very dedicated cops, who thought it to be in my best interests to learn how to defend myself. So they taught me how to shoot." He sounded so eerily calm as he took aim, and Metalbeard finally caught on- of course! That gun could still be fired manually! Business squeezed the trigger, and Flea went down with a curse and a shower of sparks. "Not that I ever needed a gun before, but I suppose it's the thought that counts." He aimed again, and another pirate fell with a scream.

Airheart growled to herself as she heard the gunshots ringing out over the beach. She had to put an end to this, fast. Ducking inside Bad Cop's reach she elbowed him hard, knocking the wind from him, and snagged his laser pistol from its holster as he fell to one knee gasping for breath. She aimed and fired and he tumbled over, paralyzed from the stunning blast. Lucy, Benny, and Unikitty went down quickly soon after, then Emmet as he ran to Lucy's side. "Now for you," she growled, drawing her own pistol and pointing it toward Business. He jerked away from Metalbeard with a sharp gasp, clutching at the hole in his shoulder.

"I think I've about had enough of this game," Airheart announced. "It's time to put an end to this. You've solved three of the trials so far; congratulations. But Atlantis is mine. And you, Business, are going to help me get it."

"You seriously think I'm going to agree to that after you just shot me?!" he hissed back, shaking.

"You act as though I'm giving you a choice. You, my friend, have shown some aptitude, but I'm not about to let these wannabes take my discovery!"

"Technically it is our discovery," Benny pointed out. "We're the ones who did all the work solving the clues and finishing the trials-" He yelped as she fired on him again, and fell silent, knocked unconscious.

Out of the corner of his eye, Business saw movement, but kept his glare trained on the sky pirate captain. "You're going to regret doing that," he warned. Airheart's crew didn't even notice, attention away from those they no longer considered a threat, until Bad Cop had leaned on her, letting his weight topple her over. She went down with a startled shriek, her gun skittering out of reach. He wrestled his own back from her, keeping her arm pulled painfully behind her back.

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