Chapter Twenty: Sky Titans

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After giving the sky captain the coordinates for the floating temple, she had returned Business' tablet as a peace offering of sorts. He glared at her suspiciously until she left, then sat down with it to make sure it hadn't been tampered with. Satisfied that the device itself hadn't come to any harm, he moved on to check his notes, and was surprised to see all the little additions she'd made. Most of it seemed to be on the culture and history he'd decided to wait on translating, and it proved a fascinating read.

They eventually left the cramped cabin to hang out on the deck, taking the opportunity to stretch their legs. It was surprisingly empty of any of the Sky Rogue's crew; they had been expecting at least one chaperone to ensure they didn't get into any place they weren't wanted, but apparently Airheart had been overcome with a fit of generosity, and they were left to their own devices.

"I don't like it," Lucy said, leaning against the railing as Emmet was nearly hanging over it to take in the view. He glanced up at her as she spoke. "She has to be up to something. She's being too nice, now."

"Sirius was the same way, and you never complained about him being up to something after he decided to be good."

Lucy sighed, taking his hand and giving it a gentle squeeze. "Emmet, I know you have a tendency to see the best of people, but can you just... trust me on this? I can't put my finger on it, but something about her just rubs me the wrong way. I don't trust her at all."

"Okay," he agreed. She gave him a grateful smile and leaned in to kiss his cheek.

Across the deck, Metalbeard glowered suspiciously at where Benny and Bad Cop were huddled over several sheets of paper. They were clearly plotting something- he knew that twinkle in Benny's eye- but he knew if he asked, Benny would just clam up. Bad Cop wasn't likely to be any more forthcoming. He thought about wandering by in attempt to catch a glimpse of what they were working on, but decided against it. It'd be too obvious.

"Oh! Look, there it is!" Emmet gasped and pointed, drawing their attention. Sure enough, a surprisingly large island floated in the distance. Business shot to his feet and sprinted over to see it. Emmet grabbed him when he started to sway. "You're supposed to be taking it easy, remember?" he admonished. Business waved him off.

"Not important."

"You don't want to pass out before we even reach the temple, do you?" Lucy teased.

He huffed at her. "I'm telling you, I'm fine."

"If you don't calm down, I will tie you to the mast and make you sit this one out," Bad Cop threatened and Business startled, turning to face him. Benny was coming up behind him, stuffing their papers into his suit. Business glared at him.

"You wouldn't dare."

"Try me, Sir."

"Ugh, fine. I'll 'take it easy' or whatever," Business sulked. Benny giggled. Several of the sky pirates finally came out, preparing to moor the ship. They got out of the crew's way to let them work, waiting impatiently for the chance to disembark. The moment the gangplank was lowered they were off, eager to explore the last temple. Already it was so different from the others, easily the largest of the four as it covered the entire island, and the outer walls were constructed of a pale, iridescent blue crystal, rather than the stone the other three used.

The sky pirates were quick to catch up to them. "Okay, Mr. Expert, what did your notes say about this one?" Airheart asked.

"That's it's going to be a lot more complicated than the other three put together," Business answered, and she glowered at him.

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