Chapter Two

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Wielder stepped into the cave. Impossibility sat in front of the class. Their teacher was a SeaWing who taught the dragonets of Destiny, Webs. He found a seat at the back of the classroom. And then he laid his head on the desk.

He still felt tire. He didn't even had any sleep last night. Sure he was in a 'Mindspace' with some other personality in his head. Anyways, someone saw him. And it was Moon, as in Moonwatcher. Wielder sat up, muttering under his breath.

 "You looked tire?" She said.

 "Not now I'm fully not fire anymore!" He said.

Really? muttered Ben

Shut it, this Nightwing is a mind reader, whispered Wielder back.

Wielder was very very nervous about Moon finding out his secret. But then again, she could in theory help him. Since she was the one who freed the Darkstalker from his cage.

 "You know, right?" Wielder said

 "That you have a second personality?" Moon said

Wielder nodes. He wish that he could read minds. But then, What if you hear something had about yourself from other dragons?

 "Oh ok. Can you please keep it a secret?" Wielder asked Moon "Cuz I need to um figure this out"

 "I...guess so" Moon answered. 

Confusion, sadness, and unable to control his body. This is what Ben feel like now. He can't move as if someone is controlling his body. He is hearing giggling from someone. Ben can hear lava. He can see lava. He can smell smoke.

 "No, Wielder, don't go into the lava." Said a female calm silky smooth voice. "It can melt anything or anyone if they fell in it"

That is true, lava is dangerous. It is strange that he can see this tiny newly hatched dragonet, yet can't be touched. He misses Rook. He wishes that he didn't fell for the trap.

Ben stares at his hands, knowing he isn't really there, and knowing that he is just feeling sad and mad. What caused this? He can't see the Ommitrix on little Wielder. This little dragonet chipped happy. 

Brightmaker don't know, does she?, thinks Ben.

Tiny Wielder is cute with his tiny claws. Ben likes this. Yet something bugs him. Where is the Ommitrix?

Wielder blinked. He was in the Healing Cave. Did he fainted? In the middle the cave? When class was about to start? On his first day?! Wielder looked up to see his clawmate, Impossibility, staring into his eyes.

 "Why did you faint?" She hissed. 

 "Impossibility, can you keep a secret?" Wielder asked.

 "What secret?" She hissed 

 "I.... Um have a past before I even hatched " he said.

Wielder half guessed that the invisible ghost of Ben was watching or something. Because, he felt bad. Like bad for Ben. 

 "What? How?" Impossibility asked. "I want to know!" 

 "It's just--" Wielder started to say before screaming starts.

The screams came from outside. Impossibility and Wielder followed the sounds. Then bowls came. Suddenly, the howls and screams were clutter off and made into a home chilling roar. Wielder and Impossibility came into the main cave to see the third largest black as night with hints of dark red Nightwing ever standing on the stage like ledge.

 "You looked like you are having second thoughts, Dragonets of Destiny!" Hissed the long hauling voice of the Nightwing. "Where is Impossibility?" 

The Nightwing was holding. ..oh no... Sunny.

"Why do you want her?" Hissed the Headmaster of the School.

 "She is special and unique." The Nightwing hissed, "so much that she is what I want to create a army of genetic engieered superdragons"

 "But" Sunny protested, "She was created from magic! From Magickeeper, my uncle!"

 " Well, I'm Corruption, brother of Stonemover and Magickeeper" He hissed.

Gasps came. All of the dragonets stared at Corruption. Everyone knew of Stonemover and his brother. But a third one? 

 "But that is impossible!" Yelled an nearby dragonet. "Last month, the Dragonets of Destiny met Magickeeper!"

 "That is true." The Nightwing hissed. "Very true. It's true that I have animus magic. And that I want Impossibility for my plans to make a war."

Wielder closed his wing over the year old dragonet that was Impossibility, hiding her. She looked horrified. Then, Corruption turned in Wielder's direction. He threw Sunny into a wall. The look on Clay's face shook him.

Suddenly a blog of venom hit the giant Nightwing. Corruption roared in pain as everyone fled. Wielder turned to see a red Rainwing glowing. It was Kinajou. Corruption had lost consciousness due to the shock of getting venom faced.

Sunny was unconscious, injured. Wielder looked around. Impossibility was still scared. Everyone had fled. He, Kinajou and Impossibility were the only students left. 

 "That Nightwing... He  attacked Sunny!" Impossibility said.

 "Yeah he did" Wielder said.

Wielder paced back to his sleeping cave with Impossibility. He wanted to know if the invisible ghost of Ben was watching. 

Where are you?! He thought

Huh? Ben said back.

Wielder sighed. And stopped.

 "Corruption is gone!" Screamed someone. " but he left a note"

Wielder ran to the sound of the voice. It was the SandWing in his Singlet since Oynx was lying, kidnapped someone for what?

 Wielder saw a note and read it:

 Fools, this was merely a waste of time, so, I'm going to the one place where Magickeeper lives: Possibility. There's nothing to stop me! All of the Mutliverse will be mine!

Wielder stopped. 

 "Impossibility, your father, he's in danger." Wielder said. 

Impossibility was shocked and scared. Sandy stared at them. 

 "Let's to save him then" The Sandwing said

A/N: Corruption is being very unusual. He sounds as if he wants to be evil. Tell me in the comment section below if you agree with me! Next up, Wielder vs Corruption!

Wings of Fire: Discovering Wielder(Ben Ten x Wings of Fire crossover)Where stories live. Discover now