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It was day three of the training camp from hell and the space between students became even larger. I couldn't help but feel more excited. But then again, I kept going over the talk I had with Gin Dojima. He seemed nice, but something in his voice told me that he holding something back. Maybe he didn't want to be seen with a student as it could lead to some crazy headlines and implications of favoritism.

At the end of our third day, I went with the Kyosukei group to the rooms to rest after the hell we went through.

"Today was absolutely horrendous." Yuki cried, "I wanna get back to my luxury suite and sleep."

"We still have two more days left." Ryoko reminded, "I think we can still pull it off, you guys."

"Yeah, I'm sure that we can make it through." I said trying to hype up everyone for the last two days coming up. I heard Zenji groaning behind us, so I went over and gave him another bottle of my special energy drink, but he was way too tired to even do that.

"Hey, Shun, when he gets a little bite more sleep, think you can give him some of this?" I asked Shun, who nodded and took the bottle from me.

"Hmm?" Ryoko hummed as she read the day's schedule, "There's no assigned curfew bedtime for tonight."

"That's gotta be a printing error right?" Yuki wondered. Before we could wonder anymore, a small chime came through the speakers.

"Attention Totsuki students." The voice belonged to Gin Dojima, "At 10 p.m., that's one hour from now, you are to report to the main banquet hall dressed in your school uniforms."

"What?!" Everyone exclaimed, but we quickly rushed to our rooms to get dressed before heading to the main banquet hall. 

I grabbed my uniform shirt and was about to put it on when I noticed my reflection in the mirror. I couldn't help but frown at the faint marks on my back and quickly covered them up with my shirt, slipping it over my head and shaking my head to rid myself of those thoughts. 

The marks, those scars... I don't know where they came from, but I didn't really want to think about it. If I forgot about them, then it was for the best that I don't remember them, something told me that it was all for the best.

I grabbed my bag of medication and supplies to help with my senses and rushed out to the main banquet hall, where everyone else had already gathered.

"Yo, big brother!" I called out seeing Soma nearby.

"Hey sis, how's it going?" He asked.

"Oh, same old, same old, having way too much fun about this training camp." I smiled, "What's been going on with you?"


"Soma!" A voice shouted at my brother. We turned and saw Takumi and Ikumi running up to us in a panic.

"Whoa, what's going on with you two? Looks like you guys ran here in a sprint." I chuckled.

"You are a moron!" Ikumi shouted at Soma, "How could you be so full of yourself to challenge a graduate to a Food War like that?!"

"I am not letting you leave the academy until we've settled things once for and all!" Takumi shouted.

"Who the hell are you supposed to be?"

"Who the heck are you?"

I stopped in my tracks and turned to my brother, "So, did somebody rattle my ears too hard, or am I actually hearing things right when they said that you challenged a Totsuki graduate to a Food War?"

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