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Hi this is your author speaking! This is my first story so I would like some support and encouragement in order to complete this story. I'm new at this so this story may not have the best grammar.... Thank you for reading!

Dharina's POV

"I Hate You!" I yelled running out the door.
"Wait up" My twin brother shouts slamming the front door shut. Of course, I didn't. I ran ahead and over to Silvia's house. Silvia lives about half a mile away. Both of our parents hold a lot of political power in this land so we both have one of the most largest mansions. Silvia and I are in our final year of middle school.
My twin brother, Daveon, and I were born competitors, literally. Today morning he woke up before I did and decided to put whipped cream in my shampoo. BIG MISTAKE! Nobody messes with me unless they have a death wish!
Oh I made him regret it. While he ran up stairs to get his uniform coat I painted his chair at dinning table. He didn't pay any attention to the wet paint and blindly sat on the chair. Haha!
I grabbed my stuff but I realized that he glued my backpack to the floor I little too late. I tripped and fell, as my arm slammed onto the floor I could hear Daveon's terrible laugh. Good thing I can use magic to unglue my backpack. I don't know how humans can survive without magic.
Even though they live only for 100 years that's pretty good amount of time for a creature that is mostly useless. Humans can't change the seasons. They can't cause the weather. They can't make life. They can't destroy a soul. They can't change day to night( that's my job). They can't protect them selves from vampires, werewolves, demons, Angels ( Angels are just as bad a demons), or other annoying creatures.
Daveon and I continued fighting until I got tired of this game and ran over to Silvia's house. Eventually he caught up as we were nearing their front gates. Her home was similar to ours but unlike mine which is white with silver gates hers is a yellow-orange with golden gates. Personally I don't like warm colors.
"Hi dharu!" A girl about my age yelled as she opened the gates. She had brown hair with blonde highlights going down to about her mid back. She had dark chocolate colored eyes.
"Hi Silvia!" I said greeting her with a hug. "One more year to survive before high school!"
"Dharina, have you met my cousin Syfron?" Silvia asked as another person walked through the gates.
"No, you never told me about your cousin" I said looking at the guy who was now standing beside Silvia.
"Oh hi Syfron" Silvia said to the boy standing next to her.
"Hey" Syfron said to both of us. He seems familiar both for some reason I can't remember why. His honey golden eyes are very attractive. He has straight hair just like Silvia but his hair is a lighter brown with one streak of gold tucked behind his ear. As I was studying his face I noticed that he was hiding some kind of scar under his bangs.
"Hm... Someone likes to stare" he said as I realized that I was staring a moment to long.
"He could pass as your brother" a said to Silvia, ignoring his comment.
For some reason he gives of an unusual aura. Every time he looks at me I feel a shiver travel down my back. His eyes are beautiful.... Maybe a bit too beautiful. When I didn't answer him he walked over and started a conversation with my idiot brother. For some reason I could feel his gaze every time he looked at me. While I was trying to figure out why her feels familiar I didn't realize that she was talking to me.
"Dharu? Are you listening to me" Silvia said shaking me back and forth.
"Sorry, but we probably should get to school" I said looking over at Syfron once again. Suddenly his eyes flickered gold. Was I imagining things? No he can't be HIM! I hope......
who is this HIM!?....
Thanks for reading! My chapters will mostly be around this length... I'm sorry if this is too short. If you have any ideas how to make this story more interesting please comment ! I'm only 13 so don't be too harsh on the criticism. Thanks ;)

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