Chapter Eight - Ghosties For Life

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I know that Snape was the dark arts professor in year six. Which I love that for him but I want to change it up and bring back Remus Lupin. I want Emma to have an adult that she can confide in during the later half of this year, and Lupin is just a favorite of mine! So please don't mind the little change up I did here....also I want to add one of the more famous scenes from third year in Lupins class. Enjoy!!!

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Mattheo never did girlfriends, the occasional hook up and one night stand....but NEVER a girlfriend. Well that is until Emma came walking into his life. From the moment he saw her he was hooked. He would have never in a million years thought that he wouldn't be able to spend five seconds away from a girl. Emma was his first girlfriend, and he was completely and utterly obsessed with her. It was almost too much. He felt like he couldn't breathe without her by his side, like she was the air he needed to keep going. It terrified him, he had secrets. Secrets he didn't know how to tell her. Secrets that if she found out it would be the end for them. Mattheo was terrified alright, terrified to loose her.

Emma tried desperately to hold off the darkness, the one that wanted to blanket her. She loved her friends at Beauxbatons, they had tried to help her but ultimately left her for the inky black darkness to consume her. Emma's friends here at Hogwarts made sure she wasn't by herself since the moment they realized what was going on. They have been trying so hard to keep that darkness at bay....she couldn't help wondering if this is what a true family felt like. Whenever the darkness started caressing her again Mattheo would be right there shining a bright light in the pitch black.

She agreed to the Halloween party but each passing day she felt more and more anxious. Pansy was helping her make her costume, she wanted to surprise him. "He is going to be drooling when he sees you" Pansy smirks as she watches her sew the final touches on the costume.

"Do you think it's too much?" she asks her friend not taking her eye off the needle.

Pansy scoffs "Are you kidding me? It's sexy. Mattheo is going to freak. You better hope he doesn't catch other boys looking at you." Emma looks up to Pansy worried.

"Matty wouldn't..." Pansy interrupts her. "Mattheo broke Cormac's nose because of how he looked at you during the slug club dinner." Pansy smiles as she looks at her nails trying to decided if she should paint them white to match her costume.

"Seriously? How did I not know this?" she asks in shock.

"You've been a little busy under a certain bad boy" she winks at Emma.

She could feel the blush appear on her cheeks. "We haven't....I'm.....I've never..." Emma is stuttering at this point embarrassingly.

Pansy looks at her dropping her teasing tone. "Hey I'm not judging, I promise. I might tease you a bit but that doesn't mean I'm being serious. I love you Em. You're my best friend, besides the boys." Emma smiles at Pansy.

"I just worry that I'm not going to live up to the fantasy." Emma looks away from her friend as she goes back to focusing on her sewing.

"Em you have no idea do you?"

"No idea about what?" Emma asks refusing to make eye contact now.

"You are Mattheo's fantasy. There is nothing that you will ever do that could ever disappoint that boy. He is completely and utterly obsessed with you. I have never in my years of knowing him seen him look at, let alone act like you are the air he breathes. You have him whipped, Potter." Her lips are turned into a cat like smile as Emma looks up at her.

War, Love, and Riddle //Mattheo Riddle x OCWhere stories live. Discover now