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Within a week, everyone had spread to the proverbial four winds, taking copies of knowledge to their tribes, Sona taking more Focuses home to the Sacred Land to help in the effort to educate the Nora, Petra helping to ship Focuses to Meridian and the Claim, more and more Focuses being crafted through our Base, especially once Gaia was able to take full control over Repair Bay Tau, and bring machines in to fully build Gwmini back up, choosing to make it a base for microtech, using data in APOLLO to draw up schematics for both our current style of Focus, and even ones that would be better able to perform the necessary fumctions without hiccuping- after all, our Focuses were relics.
Alva took supplies to the Quen and began the extremely accelerated sharing of knowledge, allowing others the ability to reach and access thw wells of information so that everyone could always have the necessary skills right at hand instead of having to fetch three people and ask for clearance.
Bohai was reluctant but soon came to appreciate the freedom of information.
"Evemtually, everyone will know everything they want to learn," I had pointed out, "Why bother to stand in the way of that? Ignorance isn't always bliss."
Drakka hadn't let me go home until several days after Piglet returned, always seeming to make sure I was within reach.
It was still going to take time to learn each other's full ability...
Gaia took the schematics from Old Faithful and actually helped me improvise a better and safer design that would be able to get me across the planet within a day or two depending on if I opened the throttle or not.
But most importantly: Gaia was able to help fully create new machines, or at least pull from the designs she had previously used in other regions.
She made Tankbacks. Great double humped Camel machines that siphoned water, filtered and cleaned it down ti the smallest bacteria and particulates, and stored it in twin tanks in their backs. Each Tankback carried something like four hundred gallons of water per hump, so roughly eight hundred gallons of fresh water for drinking, cooking, bathing...
A route was established from a constantly filling Oasis by Hidden Ember, as well as the Gouge, where Burrowers and Scrappers had town the mineshaft top open so that the water could be reached, allowing Tankbacks to drain the murky floodwater and filter it to a drinkable state.
Drakka and the village leaders in the Desert were ecstatic... I didn't think I'd see him actually hop around like a little kid when Gaia unveiled them, but seeing him so happy for his people... Yeah, I'm glad I picked him, in more ways that one.
Gaia had even managed to calculate how much water each village would go through and made it so they received the corresponding supply of Tankbacks. Slme towns had faster routes than others, especially Scalding Spear. Even with the Wound, they were getting a new Tankback in every two days because they were the highest populated town.
The Tankbacks for each village were also painted with the symbol of the village so that they couldn't be mistakenly attacked or led astray.
There was a serious shift in the way machines were treated... We all got to work side by side with them.
Hunter-Killers were overridden by Gaia and returned to the cauldrons to be scrapped, with the exception of smaller machines that could be used as hunting partners.
Once Zo was absolutely certain Varl wasn't about to die, she took Focuses and visited the Chorus in Plainsong, arriving just as the secondary reboot activated. Despite Zo's prior efforts and success in rebooting the Land-Gods, she had made small errors in their code that would accrue over time, so we all agreed it best to allow another reboot and get them fully back on the network.
Gaia was able to reboot them, and summoned them into Repair Bay Tau one by one, mentioning to me that she would be staggering their repairs to allow for their next repairs to be needed in tune with the Utaru's festivals.
"They've had their peace disturbed so much... It isn't fair to have them suddenly start celebrating only one," Gaia had explained to me.
It was interesting to talk to the Utaru.
"They're not mindless. Gaia actually planted the seeds of personalities in the gods due to how much you guys revere them," I explained, "And the repairs that she made were done in such a way to that they'd need repairs again in the same order and times they used to. Gaia enjoys the idea of getting to see your festivals." I grin, standing before them as Utaru citizens gather around, "She's less of a god and more a guiding spirit for the world as a whole- she cares for everyone and everything, and will do everything she can to ensure her predecessor's work will continue. But that means we also have to do our part... And that's where I have to give you the sad news..." I show them projections of NEMESIS, sent by Silens as he poked around the Zenith base, "This thing was made by the minds of those we already killed- selfish, ruthless people who would have seen this entire world wiped from existence to save their own asses from NEMESIS. It is coming for our big blue and green jewel within a year's time, and when it comes- we need everyone in the world to be ready. I know this thing seems impossible to defeat," I say, pacing as Drakka sits on the wicker ground near the edge and watches us, "We have a year to prepare. How is that enough time to connect a planet full of people around a single goal? Let alone reach them all?" I turn and face them, "Well, shit, look at what Elisabet Sobeck and the Zero Dawn crew did," I point out, knowing Zo already explained this to them, "They did it in sixteen months. We have eleven, maybe twelve. We have the whole world for inspiration, a big database full of information... And we only have one space ship. I'm afraid we have no real choice. This is our green and blue marble. We live here. Your tribe has lives here for hundreds of years eating the same crops, feeling the same grass, seeing the Land Gods worshipped by other people. You are capable of spreading the song and message of your love for this world's life cycle as far across this world as you dare to- but only if you reach out into the void. We have a year. Why shouldn't we try to make it more?" I point out, watching the elder faces turn as the younger members nod eagerly.
Just as it seemed like the citizens would have to sing to sooth the chorus, the oldest, Fane, stepped forward.
"You have the bows of any who volunteer. We just ask that the knowledge of life and music from the old world be shared with us," he asks.
"You automatically have access as soon as you have a Focus, at least to the things downloaded to it," I explain, "You can travel to our base to use our access terminals and acquire any music you please. Anyone with a Focus can- our Oseram friend is taking great pleasure in a type of music called Rock and Roll, and another called Heavy Metal," I laugh, seeing a few Utaru smile, "Due to your traditions you guys would like chorus music- self explanatory, a capella, classical, maybe even jazz," I smile, "Oh, orchestral, too. That was a style made up by the notes of dozens of instruments. A capella is hard to describe for me- human mouths and voices making instrument sounds, kinda? Jazz has many forms. I used to sleep to some of it. Classical is varied, many preferred piano music in that category..."
Some of the Utaru seemed to lean in close to listen, especially once I made my Focus act as a speaker and provided examples.
Seeing faces change as they heard songs older than all of them combined... hell, older than me... It was nice. Learning this about our old culture must be nice.
Even Drakka seemed to enjoy the soothing sounds as voices found the rhythm and began joining in.
The sound shifted in tune with the music, everyone's voices rising and blending with the tines as Focuses were passed out and connected to the network, tuning in to the song so that all could hear it clearly.
Zo's smile spread ever further as she watched her people begin to unite with the knowledge of the past. She had had so much anxiety over it... Its like she hadn't thought they'd be able to see the world in the new way that she had learned over the past couple of months.
Eventually, the song did come to an end, voices dying out as the notes did as well, folks of all descriptions gathering close to hear the last notes.
"That was... Thank you, Y/n..." the Chorus bowed, "When Zo began ti explain to us about the Sacred cave being a repair bay for all machines... We weren't sure we could believe her. But seeing them go and come back, seeing them plow the fields green again..." Fane says gently, "We will continue to protect it so that machines can come and go undisturbed."
"Thank you," I smile, "Gaia was also exploring the idea of spreading the fields further to allow for more crops, and maybe even help begin trade between the east and west," I explain, "There are seed stores under the mountain for novel crops, herbs, spices, flowering plants, fruits, berries and vegetables of all manner and description. If we can get them to root here, would your people be willing to be the first to try them?" I ask, "There are all manner of crops, including ones I... more than desperately need," I sigh, rubbing my head, "Actually that might require the more jungly terrain... I don't know anything about growing coffee beans."
"If need be, y/n, i am capable of greening the repair bay. A side note, I have created Repair-mites... Small and capable of fixing the plumbing for the base. I'll be sending a squadron to assist Stanley as well, and I already alerted him. They're traveling by Stormbird at the moment," Gaia said, "I will also be having them coear away stone growth throughout the Base, eith the help of Burrowers. I've alerted the others to the impending intrusion. Beta is currently working on redecorating her room with Enasha, and Olurr is playing with Zella. Atekka and one of her squads is visiting with a delivery of fish."
"Hah! Say hi for me, would ya?" I grin, pacing, "Awesome, so we can grow indoor crops here and make it easier to grow tropical stuff... Chocolate!" I tense.
"There are cacao beans and seeds," Gaia confirms.
"Yeeeeeessss..." I groan.
"Huh?" Drakka raises a brow.
"I'll show you later, it was used in tons and tons if sweets." I grin and stretch, before returning to the conversation with Fane, discussing how to go about setting up trade, connecting the Chorus with Avad, Petra oand Hekarro, alongside the Matriarchs.
Stepping back to watch, I smile, "That's more or less all but one tribe in the region... The Banuk. Aloy?" I call her, "How do we go about contacting and joining up with, the Banuk?"
"That's a tough one... We can try contacting Aratok, and also try getting in touch with CYAN. She deserves to know she has a bunch of friends and aid available at any moment," Aloy paces.
"Where are the Banuk anyway? The Frozen Wilds, right?" Drakka asks as he stands up, the Utaru idly chattering away around us.
"Ban-Ur and the Cut. The Cut seem to be their testing ground for warriors and Ban-ur is their main romp, from what I can see of Aloy's records. Gaia, you should make some kinds of portable avatar that we can use for you to converse with CYAN without you needing ti access her network... a show of faith," I point out, "Especially after what HEPHAESTUS did to her?"
"Agreed. I've been working on one such idea... A small self propelled ball that I can project my avatar form from," Gaia said, "I've been building it in the repair bay in the twenty minutes since Ti exited. I am almost done. I have not fully integrated the printing designs to the repair bay yet and felt that the more personal touch of a crafted shell would be pertinent, instead of causing her worry with a nanite composite," Gaia says, "Ah, finished. I'll fly it to you now."
I raised a brow, waiting, until a few minutes later a grey and white orb with the Tau symbol across it hovered in front of my face, and Gaia's form appeared, checking her arms, and looking around.
"Ah! Plainsong..." she turned and looks out over what can only be described as a city, "It is more beautiful in person..." she smiled.
"Ah...!" Zo runs over, cupping the air around the ball, "So fast! This is your answer to being unable to visit places in person, right?"
"Correct!" Gaia smiles, "I look forward to being able to see it all."
I laugh, relaxing and looking around, "I guess whenever you feel like meeting us down here, Aloy. I'll call Racer and Piglet."
"I actually had another surprise for you. Earlier, I made them return to Tau, and replaced their shels with shells colored in the designs you personalized them with. They'll always stand out," Gaia smiles as I tense, a grin spreading across my face.
Drakka laughs, following me down the walkways, the orb floating along as Gaia looks around, her form encompassing the orb now to where the orb seemed to be her heart, projecting herself from her own core, in a way.

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