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"Hahaha! Come on at this pace Im gonna leave u behind!" i yelled to my dear Ash who was panting from exhaustion" how...in.... the..world.... do...you..run.....so...fast?" Ash said taking few breaths between his words.

i laughed at how cute he was even tho he was breathing as if he was gonna die, "come on Ash let's go shopping!" i said happily "WHAT, Nooo please i can't walk anymore your actually gonna be the death of me....y/n"he said as he groans "Oh Ash your being dramatic, your not gonna die silly" i said giving Ash my cute puppy face "Oh my god, y/n you know i can't say no to your puppy face!" "Hehe, that's why Im giving you my puppy face anyways let's go shopping!" i said grabbing Ash's wrist practically dragging him to the nearest shopping mall "Bu-" "No buts" I said as i cut Ash sentence.

( Time Skip_Few Hours Later <3 )

"That was Soo fun, let's do it again!" i said giving Ash a happy grin as i happily run down the streets "Yea i had fun too y/n but....why do i have to carry your shopping bags?" Ash was groaning while i was laughing happily thinking that this happy momment will last forever...but I was wrong "Y/N BEHIND YOU!" by the time i turned around everything had gone black....I had been hit by a god damm truck at the age of 17

i slowly tried to open my eyes only to fail but only hearing a slow but lovely melody and tune of a loving mother, but wait my mother is dead....am i in heaven?

i opened my eyes for the first time only to find out that i was in the arms of a gorgeous lady, i saw a boy with a weird bowl cut. As I was placed down onto the floor by this lovely lady who i guess is my mother....wait, AM I RECARNATED? No i opened my eyes i saw everything clearly i looked around and saw a mirror reflecting me...but GOD my eyes i saw a damm baby! i looked down to see my tiny weenie hands, but then i invert my gaze back to the boy with the weird bowl hair only to recognize that was Ego Jinpanchi from Blue Lock manga! i made my way to him as i crawl to his feet but damm it smells, Ego picked me up "Hey kid" that was the only thing he said "s-so-soccer" Ego's eye widen at the word soccer as well as my first word.

"Soccer? do want to learn soccer?" he asked as i slowly nodded my head and that was the start of my second life.

Author's note <3

HIII, this is my first book and hope you guys like it! Im gonna try to post from time to time Im probably gonna post the next chapter, next week! love y'all my loves!


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