Abandoned. 1/1

401 9 28

(Basically Moon traps Sun in the magic box but then never returns.)


"Weakling you are~"

Sun jolted awake, his breathing was ragged and his eyes were wide. He leaned up against the invisible barrier and calmed down as he clamped his eyes shut.

He opened his eyes, and the blood twins were standing behind him, their sharp-toothed grins were plastered on their faces as they prepared to bother the living hell out of Sun.

Once Sun saw them, he just turned around in the barrier. It took him awhile, seeing as the barrier was so small, then he just stared at a wall as he grabbed his left arm hard. He usually did this to try and snap himself out of his hallucinations, however it wasn't working today, and that pissed him off.

"God, can you two leave me alone for one day? Like- Maybe go haunt some innocent pedestrians or something??" Sun's voice held much annoyance to it as he spoke.

"We can't, idiot. Since you killed us, we're stuck to haunting you, and no one else~" The first twin spoke.

"Indeed, you are the only one who can see us." The second one added.

Sun at least somewhat liked the second twin, his voice was less malicious sounding and he was always at least somewhat calmed than the first twin. However he still hated them both. To put it in better words, Sun hated the second twin slightly less then the first one.

Sun let out a groan and he put his hands on his face. How long had it been now? He stopped counting after a month, or at least he thought. Sun took his hands off of his face and looked up at the twins, hoping they at least knee how long it had been.

"Do you two know how long i've been stuck here? Like, genuine question."

The first twin cackled at Sun while the other twin just laughed, both finding Sun pretty pathetic.

"Awh, have you stooped so low that you ask your 'enemies' how long it's been?~" The first twin taunted.

"Jesus Christ- Can we just stop hating each other for five minutes just so I can know how long I've been here?? You can throw as many insults as you can possibly fathom at me afterwards, just- please."

"Hmm- Let me speak with the other first."

The second twin pulled the first twin aside, away from where Sun could hear, and began to talk amongst themselves.

Sun couldn't help but wonder what Moon was currently doing. Did he abandon him just because he killed Bloodmoon? That couldn't be right. Moon has killed so many more people than he has, what gives him the right- but Moon has a kill code that was very hard to control. It was his programming. And Sun- Sun just killed Bloodmoon. Oh. Did- Did Moon abandon him? He could see Moon's reasoning-


Sun jumped as he was snapped out of his thoughts by the first twin.

"Brother, I thought he went deaf for moment, how horrid it would be!" The first twin spoke to the second one, sarcasm heavy in his voice.

"Anyway, we have discussed it, and we have agreed. So, which one of us should break the news to him?"

The second twin turned to the first, and they did rock paper scissors. Sun would've face palmed, but he was too tired and worried about how long it had been.

The first twin won, so he got to break the news to Sun.

"It's been 3 months!" The twin blurted out.

Sun's heart fucking sank. There's- There's no way, right? Moon- Moon loved him, right?? He wouldn't just leave Sun to rot, would he?-

Sun felt tears prick his eyes, and he shook his head in denial.

"N-No, Moon would do no such thing. I- He- He wouldn't just leave me here to rot, right?- No! He- He would never. We've been through too much for him to do that-"

Sun's world was crumbling and crashing into the ground, he felt nauseous for some reason, he was starting to get overwhelmed. Had- Had Moon really abandoned him?

"Uh- You good?-" The first twin asked awkwardly. The twins felt slightly awkward seeing Sun have a mental breakdown, and they didn't know how to handle it.

Sun looked up, and he stopped spiraling slightly.

"Yeah, perfectly fine." Sun spoke in a heavily sarcastic tone.

Sun brought his knees up to his chest and hugged them tight, letting out a long exhale as the twins just stared at him.

The twins just awkwardly stood there, not really knowing what to do. It was getting kind of boring watching the same thing happen over, and over and over, and over again.

They both show up, Sun has a panick attack, they throw insults at him and then leave. That's how everything usually works. And sure, they were hallucinations, but they were still as real as could be to Sun.

The twins just continued to stand there awkwardly as their eyes moved in sync, flicking from the other twin and back to the pathetic looking Sun. Eventually they just stared at each other, having a silent conversation with their looks, and then they both have each other a nod, and then disappeared back into Sun's mind.

Sun let out a shaky exhale as he closed his eyes and gripped one of his rays tightly in an attempt to ground himself. It didn't work unfortunately, and only caused his pain sensors to hurt worse as he sat there trembling slightly.

He missed his brother. He missed his brothers a lot. He wished that they both wouldn't have given up on him so easily, but he guessed that's what he gets for snapping.

He really did miss the daycare and the children there. Hell, he even missed the dumb gator. Would someone try to find him? Monty probably could if he wanted to. If he wanted to.

It's not like Moon would tell Monty where he was if Moon truly wanted him to rot alone in this damned base, and it's not like Sun could just call Monty and ask him to come here.

After the whole Monty and Eclipse situation, Sun's phone was disabled to prevent Eclipse from going to anyone else's head, and they had just never re-enabled it.

Sun hit his forehead against the magic barrier a few times. Not hard, but softly as he tried to think of something. But no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't.

Why? Because he was the dumb one. Always had been, and always will be.


Word count: 1,110!

Thank you so much for reading my one shots!! I really appreciate it! In so sorry for not posting recently, but I promise I have 3 chapters in the works right now!! As always, PLEASE LEAVE SUGGESTIONS!!!/Nf/Nm!

Anyways, have a great rest of your day/night, and I'll see you in the next chapter!! <33

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