Heartache. 1/1

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Sun's speakers played a shaky sigh audio file as he wiped away a stray tear, staring up at the ceiling as he tried to stop thinking about his shitty love life. Moon was just too busy and content with his life to not need a partner for the time being, Solar and Ruin weren't at all interested in relationships either, Earth and Monty were going on strong, Lunar was seeing Gemini, and then there was Sun.

He unfortunately wasn't too busy or content with his life to not want or need a partner. He honestly wasn't sure what he was at this point. Sure, he used to like Roxanne a while ago, but that was before Eclipse changed her personality and made her cheat on him. So in short, Sun wasn't sure if he wanted to be any relationships at this point, but at the same time he felt empty.

Sun sat up and quickly began wiping his tears away once he heard a knock on his door, with his cat tux trotting up to the door and sniffing at it curiously.

"Ah- uh- Come in!-" Sun squeaked out as he wiped away the rest of his tears and attempted to make it look like he wasn't just laying in his room by himself (not counting Tux, who was always great company).

Earth gently pushed open the door, giving Sun one of her usual comforting and almost motherly smiles, while also bending down to pet Tux, who was currently rubbing up against her affectionately.

"Hello there Sun! And hello there, Tux!" She greeted as she gently scratched Tux behind the ears, to which he purred at her in appreciation. Sun took that as an opportunity to fix his rays and ruffles so that they weren't shifted out of place from him laying down.

"Oh!- Hey Earth! What's uh- What's up?" Sun asked as he pushed a few of his orange rays back into place, smiling at Tux's and Earth's small but sweet interaction, his speakers letting out a small "aww.." as he watched.

"Nothing really Sun! I haven't seen you much today, and you're usually in the daycare cleaning, so I thought that I'd check up on you!" Earth gave Sun another gentle smile as she spoke, still petting Tux.

"Ah, thanks Earth, I'm fine though!" Sun let out a small white lie, which he tried to cover it up by giving Earth a small smile. It didn't work, unfortunately, as Earth cocked her eyebrows at him and squinted her eyes.

"You sure? Because if I remember correctly, I recall hearing your speakers playing very quiet crying sounds right before I knocked on your door."

Sun's speakers played a small sigh as he quickly gave up on trying to make the white lie convincing, knowing that there was no arguing with Earth.

".. No-" Sun mumbled quietly as he stared down at his bed, prompting Earth to go into her "comfort/therapy mode", as Sun and Moon enjoyed jokingly calling it.

"Well, would you like to talk about it? It might make you feel better, Sun." Earth stood up from being bent down (due to petting Tux) and made her way over to Sun's bed, sitting next to him on the side of it as she gently wrapped an arm around his shoulder, giving him a comforting side hug as her hand gently rubbed his shoulder.

Sun's speakers played another soft sigh, though this one was slightly shakier than the last one as he slowly nodded, keeping his eyes fixated on the ground. "Yeah.. I guess so..."

"Alright, take all the time you need and start when you feel comfortable, okay?" Earth gently squeezed Sun for a few seconds in an endearing manner before relaxing the hug once again and placing a small kiss on Sun's forehead.

Sun closed his eyes and leaned into Earth's touch, nodding softly as he appreciated his sibling's affection and comfort quite a bit at the moment. They sat in comforting silence for a few minutes, before Sun sucked in a deep breath, and began to speak his mind.

"Well.. Recently I've been- confused?- unsure? When regarding my "love life", and I'm not necessarily sure what I want anymore, you know?- With Freddy wanting to hook me up with Glamrock Happyfrog, and Moon continuing to joke around about me having a "crush" on Roxanne, I just don't know anymore- I don't want to be in a relationship or anything at the moment, but at the same time I do?- I-I don't know-"

Earth hummed as she thought about how to respond to Sun's delimma, before she spoke up again, her expression somewhat concerned. "It's alright to not know Sun, and I suppose it does make sense for you to be confused about a topic such as this, seeing as the only relationship you've been exposed to was quite an unhealthy one."

"W- I- It wasn't that unhealthy! We- We could've lasted a while if Eclipse hadn't done anything-"

"Sun, it doesn't matter if your relationship could've lasted. What matters is what happens during that relationship, like how you both treat each other, and how you two communicate and such. And from what I've seen and heard, your relationship with Roxanne was mostly one sided, with you showering her in gifts and compliments while she would return you with a simple head pat. Do you understand what I'm trying to say, Sun?-"

Sun's speakers played a shaky sigh audio file as he nodded softly, knowing fully that Earth was correct in what she was saying, no matter how badly he didn't want to admit it. Earth noticed Sun's mood shifting once again and tightened the side-hug slightly more, trying to comfort him the best she could at the moment.

"I'm sorry if that was harsh, Sun- I hope you know that it wasn't my intention if it was in fact too harsh-"

"No- No, you're fine Earth, I-I just-" Sun shut his eyes as his speakers let out another shaky sigh, his hands grasping and bunching up the fabric of his pants. "It- It doesn't feel right when I acknowledge mine and Roxanne's past relationship as toxic, you know?-"

"Well, yes, I could see how that would feel bad, or incorrect to you, seeing as you did love her quite a bit from what I could tell, and perhaps that's why you don't want a relationship, but do at the same time. No matter how much you'd like to claim that you're over yours and Roxanne's break up, you very clearly aren't. You were damaged after that relationship, and that's why you don't want a relationship. You're afraid to open your heart to someone again and have that "hole" worsen if you were to become heartbroken again. And due to you being heart broken and having that hole, you wish to have a relationship in order to have something to finally fill that hole and allow you to feel complete once again."

Sun stared down at the floor as he processed Earth's analysis of him and his trauma with bad relationships, before his speakers played another soft sigh and he spoke up.

".. So what should I do?-"

"Well, I personally believe that you should try to focus on yourself before you step into a new relationship. Perhaps you could pick up a new hobby, or try to figure out more about yourself, or something of the sorts to help fill the hypothetical hole, and try to better yourself mentally, so that you can be ready for a proper relationship when you'd like. And who knows, perhaps you won't even want a relationship in the future when you learn more about yourself, but I suppose that's up to you, isn't it Sun?" Earth gave Sun a gentle smile as she tightened the hug a bit more once again, which did help Sun quite a bit in terms of cheering up.

"Yeah.. Yeah, I guess so, Earth." Sun gave earth a small but genuine smile as he looked at her, before suddenly hugging her with both arms, startling her slightly before he spoke again.

"Thanks sis.. I really appreciate you."

Her gentle smile returned as she wrapped both arms around Sun and began gently petting the back of his head, closing her eyes as she placed her chin on the top of Sun's head, making sure not to injure his rays in the process.

"Anytime, brother."


Words: 1409

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't posted in a bit! I'm still working on all of yalls requests, and please continue to leave more!! They help me gain motivation in order to write them!! Anyways, see you all in the next post! Buh bye!! :3

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