♡ Backstory ♡

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It was the middle of the summer, I felt the sweat dripping down my neck as I carried a box labeled pictures into the soon to be living room. We had just moved to Boston and had a lot to unpack. I'm surprised no one has come out to greet us in the neighborhood, I'm glad they didn't. All they do is say the same things "we are so happy to have new neighbors" then they would talk trash about their old one, i would rather sleep on my non-existing bed then have to stand there for an hour listening to them complain.

I go to get the one of the other boxes as Arlo walks in with another "window." Is all he says when we pass each other, I continue walking to the uhaul truck as I look over to the house across the street. I look at all the windows until I stop at the one with a figure that quickly disappears as the blind move back into place.

His pov

"We got a new neighbor," he says with an annoyance in his tone as he closes the blinds, turning back to his sibling.

"well no shit sherlock" Maeve said to her older brother as she leaned on the kitchen island.

"Too bad mr.smith kicked the bucket"
"Nate you're so wrong for that, plus you didn't even like him"

"Thats not the point"

"You have no point behind shit you say half of the time. Plus you already know mom's gonna invite them over for dinner, "welcome them to the neighborhood" and all that stupid neighborly shit."

"God i hope not, maybe this time she wont"
Maeve rolled her eyes as Nate turned back towards the window moving the blinds watching the family across the street continue to unpack the truck.

Maeve moves to the couch facing the same direction as Nate, sitting next to him. "Why don't we just rip the band-aid off and go meet them now?"

"You only want to because you have no life of your own" Maeve acted shocked but shrugged knowing he wasn't wrong.

Nate stoped looking out the window, heading to grab his keys. "the boys are coming to get me you comin?" He asked not giving his sister his full attention.

"Depends, Where you going?"

"You coming or not?" he says looking up from his phone.


"Great, they're here" he says walking to the door.

Maxine pov

A small van pulled up to the driveway of the house across the street, I tilted my head trying to see if I could get a quick glance of the neighbors, but all i see is a boy with medium hair that isn't too short or long. The boy in the passenger seat turns his attention away from his phone looking up at me, we share a glance as the car drives away.

"Been here for five minutes and maxine already has her eye set on a boy? I think thats a new record." Arlo said teasing maxine.

Author note~ Hi guys!! This is my first fanfic and i am not taking this seriously what so ever, but i hope you enjoyed the intro to what i hope is a somewhat enjoyable story, i don't know who endgame will be, but it for sure is not chris sorry chris girlys, Its Nates time to shine.
~ Morgen♡

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