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The family started getting ready for dinner, I decided to settle on an oversized tee shirt with a red rose in the middle and a black hoodie. Most of my clothing had not came in yet except some of my tops, leaving me to borrow pants from Arlo. I go to one of his boxes and pull out a pair of black jeans with rips from knees down.

"Maxine what are you wearing, i said nice not a night club" her father says disappointed

"It all i have so far" I say

"Don't worry honey i'm sure the neighbors don't mind how we dress" mom says reassuring the both of us

We walk across the street and make it to the door, Arlo and I exchange looks just before our dad knocks on the door.

The door suddenly swings open and we are met by the girl from earlier. She has a bright smile plastered on her face looking at the person who made her laugh before turning her attention towards us.

"Welcome" she say moving to the side to let us in.

We all walk inside the house, rivers hand in mine and Natalie in moms arms.

Maeve softly pushes the door close then leads us to the kitchen, where we are met by the parents.

"Welcome to our house, we are excited to get to know you guys..." the father goes on talking about how he's happy the old neighbors "moved" and creating small talk while his wife finished preparing the food.

Arlo and I sit on the couch bored listening to the parents talk.

"Go ask them if they want to play, I got it from here" Samantha say to her kids helping her in the kitchen.

"This is stupid" nate protested

"Go now they are our guests"

The siblings come join us on the couch and try to make small talk.

"Can we skip this stage it's really boring and I'd rather take a nap" I say

"Agreed, you guys just wanna go play Mario cart?" Nate asked

"Why not" Arlo answered

We played for about 20 minutes before we got called back down to eat, we blessed the food and ate.

~✯~✯ time jump to later that afternoon ✯~✯~

"Did you kids have fun?" mom asked

"Yeah they aren't too bad" i answer

"Aren't to bad?" Arlo he questions

"You were practically drolling over nate all night long that you lost Mario Kart, your amazing at Mario Kart"

"Maxine Jospehin Nico losing Mario Kart?" my father repeated stunned

"I think they really know how to cook, the food was delicious. I might need a few lessons" I say trying to change the subject.

Over the next few weeks we continued unpacking the boxes as they come making our house that was just for walls and paint in the beginning to our home. We continued to hang out with Nathan and Maeve for the rest of the summer, weather it was Mario Kart to hanging out at the beach.

One day after hanging out at the beach I see a note slid under out hotel door and cant help but smile, I pick it up before anyone else is able to notice it. Nate and I have been passing notes back and forth for awhile, His were compliments, little things he found cute that I did that day or plans to meet up.

I opened the note in the bathroom.

Hey Beautiful, meet me in the lobby at 9:00

I take longer than usual getting ready. Arlo wasn't wrong when he asked if i started dressing nicer to impress Nate, I was at first but then i started doing it for me, but lets be so real it was mostly for him. However I decided that I'd dress in sweats and a basic blue tee.

I head downstairs as requested in the note, when I get down there I don't see him. I take a deep breath closing my eyes taking in the peace and quiet, no family chatter, no younger sibling crying just you, the ding of the elevators, the buzz of the air, and the sound of the waves crashing outside. I suddenly hear a voice disturbing my peace "boo" I flinch a lil.

"Ha ha your so funny nate" I say sarcastically

"Oh you know i am gorgeous you just don't want to admit it."

He grabs my hand and starts walking. I was surprised when he took my hand dragging me along in excitement, we never held hands just always slightly brushed as we would play just dance or walk past each other while playing mini golf or our shoulders slightly touching as we tried to fit our combined family into a boot at a restaurant. I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I hear Nate speak in excitement.

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