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( so sorry ill have a cast thing out soon but i am struggling with it rn lol.)
Jamie = dad
kristen= mom
River = younger brother
Natalie = younger sister

I sit on the empty living room floor with the rest of my family, my two younger siblings drawing and we suddenly hear a knock.

"Guess the neighbors finally decided to welcome us" I say turning my head away from my phone looking at Arlo.

Arlo replies with a little snicker as our father goes to open the door.

"Which one do you think it is?" i ask.

"What you mean?" Arlo says confused.

"Which neighbor?" i ask again.

"Dose it really mater?"

"Guess not." I shrug brushing off the thought.

Jamie finishes his conversation with our new neighbor walking back into the living room.

"Who was it honey?" kristen asks.

"The person across the street, she was really nice, she invited us for dinner tomorrow."

"Of course they did, were not going right?" i ask with a hint of hope

"We are, and you all are expected to dress nicely" his voice was stern with a hint of annoyance due to Maxine's bad manners

*time skip to later that night*

I hear a car pull up, my curiosity gets the best of me. I get up to look out the window and see the same van that came by earlier. Two kids got out of the car, one girl and one boy. They seem to be about my age, from what I can see with the little light I have to work with. I feel my eyes drift to the boy in the passenger's seat and see the boy from earlier. I take note of him, seeing a smile appear on his face as he says bye to what I assume are his friends. I see that the boy turned around to wave at the guy in the passenger seat, and see a glimpse of his face. "He's not too bad looking" I think to myself then. I then decided it's best to get some rest so I could gather some energy for tomorrow. I went back to the floor and opened the sleeping bag.

I hear my parents up causing me to open my eyes, they are unpacking the rest of our belongings. I let out a yawn as I stretch my arms above my head, I get out of the sleeping bag then walk towards Arlo shaking him to wake him up.

"Get up" i continue to shake him.

He didn't respond.

"Wake up rat!" i yell quietly trying to not wake our younger siblings .

This time I got a soft groan from him. I try to get him to wake up for a good 3 minutes, then I start to lose my patience. I walk over to a box labeled cups. I grab a plastic Chuggington cup and head to the soon to be kitchen. I fill the cup with water almost to the brim. I walk back over to Arlo and check to make sure my parents aren't looking. Once I see they aren't I pour it onto his face as I continue standing over him.

"What the hell Max" he gets out of his soaked sleeping bag.

"Where am I supposed to sleep tonight? You idiot" he snatches the cup out of my hand.

"Oh hush, you can leave it out to dry in the sun. Next time wake up when I tell you too." I take a pause as I watch him mess with his drenched shirt "Also im not helping mom and dad by myself"

"Whatever max" he rolls his eyes at me and walks to the kitchen putting the cup away.

I walk outside to the uhaul van and grab some more boxes, me and Jamie keep moving the boxes for about an hour. As I am walking outside to grab another when I see a girl walk out from the house across the street. I assume she is going to hang out with the boys from the van again, but she doesn't stop walking when she passes her pathway onto the sidewalk. She looks side to side and continues to walk straight reaching our side of the street.

She walks up to me and holds out her hand, I look at her hand then at her.

"What is this the 1980s?" I ask as my eyes drift from her hand back to her eyes.

She puts her hand back to her side "I'm Maeve."

"Cool." I acknowledge her as i grab another box thinking to myself, "you couldn't have waited till dinner to introduce yourself"

"Whats yours?" she asks

Shes seems kind and her voice is soft but I'm still tired as my body isnt used to the timezone here yet, so whenever she talks all im hearing is this kid rambling the same nonsense over and over again.

"Maxine." is all I reply with as I start walking back to the house.

"Do you guys need help?" she sounds hopeful

"We'll manage.'' I see the hope in her eyes dwindle, I know she is just trying to get to know me but it's hard to deal with a new person when you're 2 hours behind in your head. I start walking to the door shutting it behind me hoping she doesn't follow inside. I would always hate it when neighbors did that, they would come in without an invitation constantly. Thankfully she didn't. Instead she starts talking with my dad.

I walk in with the box in hand and see Arlo unpacking the boxes with Kristen as the youngins play. I walk over to him, putting down another box.

"The daughter decided to do a home visit" I look at Arlo as he continues to put dishes into the cabinet.

"Well, were you nice?" kristen ask

"No, whenever she was talking my head was pounding as if you were throwing a hammer at it." I reply to my mother as I turn my head away from Arlo to her direction.

"Well you can make nice over dinner.'' I turn back to look annoyed at Arlo when I see him already giving me the same look as I was planning on giving him.

"Do we have to go" he ask.

"Yeah, there's no point in getting to know them. We are just going to end up move again." I side with arlo.

"Not this time, it's the final home"

"I love you mom, but that's what you said last time" I say trying not to sound disrespectful.

"You are right, I did say that but we are moving because this is a better job opportunity for your father and will bring us more money, And~." Kristen drags out the end of the word as she waits to see our faces.

"I bought a building so I can finally start working on my bakery!" She says it so excited, Arlo and I know we are staying for sure now as it has been our mothers dream to open her own bakery.

"Congrats ma, when do we get to see the building!" I say in a joyful tone as me and Arlo embrace her in a hug.

"Soon, but first let's get to know the neighbors. We are here to stay" she rubs the top of our head as she gives us each a kiss on the forehead.

"Good idea, they might be able to help promote you too!"

"Yes, but focus on getting to know them first. ok?" she looks down at me.

"Fine." I say a bit disappointed that we have to go to the dinner and not promote moms up coming bakery.

"Was she pretty?" Arlo asked.

"We've only been here five minutes and arlo already has his eyes set on someone" i say mockingly.

"Oh suck it max"

"Enough you two" kristen ends the soon to be fight.

I know this wasn't an interesting chapter but i'm trying to set you guys up with the backstory although it isn't needed to be read i believe. I'll try to make sure it isn't but it will just be about how the characters get to know each other and a little bit about them.

And ofc thank you reading

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