Darkness with a hint of sad

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Hope Hospital was one of the best hospitals in the country, it had the best medical care and service. But they weren't magicians they couldn't do anything about my brother's condition. When the doctor told me the news he said I'll have to wait and see if he improves or not. Doctor James didn't give me a time period he just told me to wait but, I've been waiting for Alex to wake up for more than 6 months.

For more than 6 months I would go to the hospital sit in the armchair beside his bed, hold his hand and wish that he would wake up. Today wasn't any different, I enter the hospital grab some warm hot chocolate from the cafe then I take the elevator to the second floor, room 125. I stand in front of the room for 5 whole minutes wishing that this time Alex would wake up because I miss him.

I regret being mean to him he was my little brother but I was mean to him many times, I never told him that I loved him that he was the best little brother I could ever ask for. So now I spend everyday telling him that I love him, but I don't think he can hear me. All I want is to see his stunning blue eyes that were always shining, my eyes were the same but mine were a shade darker and now there're dull like someone took all the colour and life from them. I sigh shaking my head trying to get rid of all the unwanted negative thoughts , but the truth is my negative thoughts have become a part of me.

The once carefree and cheerful Rosa is long gone replaced with the depressing and sad person. I hated it I hated being sad I didn't want to live a life where I had no one to enjoy it with, where all the people that meant so much to me were taken away. But that's what my life has become and there's nothing I could do to change it no matter how hard I wanted to.

I entered the all too similar white room, all rooms where the same in this hospital white and plain. In the middle of the room laid my once energetic and lively brother, I almost cried when I looked at Alex's face. Just like all the times I've been here I memorized how he looked I've memorized where all the needles and I.V's  went, and like always I begin telling him about my day trying to make my voice as exciting as I can master.

After a while I decided to go to the place I call "home" I kiss Alex's forehead promising him I'll see him tomorrow then I leave the hospital beginning my long and lonely walk home in the middle of the night.
Ok I don't know if anyone is reading this book or not but its ok I'm cool.
So that was the second chapter
Luv y'all ❤

Nighttime SadnessWhere stories live. Discover now