Chapter 3: Warm

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Mai POV:

As I stirred from my slumber, I felt the warmth of a gentle hand on my head, relishing the tender touch that beckoned me to stay in this peaceful state of half-awareness. Reluctantly, I pried my heavy eyelids open, greeted by a soft, warm light emanating from a figure before me. Blinking several times, I tried to discern the person who stood there, revealing a little girl with hair as unruly as a wild plant. "Hi," she said in a sweet, innocent voice. I attempted to respond, but my throat ached, and my chest tightened with pain as I drew in each breath. The rush of memories flooded back, making me acutely aware of the events that had unfolded.

With a sudden jolt, my body leaped into defensive mode, instinctively scooting back until I met the cold surface of stone. Glancing around in a panic, all I could see were the surrounding stone walls and a crackling fire, while my back pressed against what I assumed was more stone. The searing pain of my wounds served as a stark reminder of the ordeal I had endured.

"It's okay, don't worry. I'm MoMo. You can trust me," the little girl reassured me, her words like a hug to my wounded soul. I had never been offered such comfort before. Should I believe her? Would that make me naive? The questions and doubts swirled within, making me silent, the weight of the unspoken thoughts louder than any words.

MoMo continued to speak, explaining that her friend was returning with more wood for the fire. She offered to help clean my wounds and had clothes for me to wear. Although everything felt strange and uncertain, she insisted that I could trust her, promising safety and solace. The realization struck me; I had been naked this entire time, but in my desperate circumstances, I had grown used to it.

My mind grew with questions about her friend and whether I should place faith in this young girl. Yet, before my thoughts could fully consume me, MoMo intervened. "I have a warm bath ready for you. Let's get you cleaned up, yeah?" she said with a glimmer of excitement. My body, longing for comfort, spoke for me, nodding in agreement.

MoMo beamed, guiding me gently toward a wooden tub tucked away deeper in the cave. To my surprise, the tub proved spacious, allowing me to stand upright, the water inviting and comforting. A newfound sense of relief washed over me as I prepared to immerse myself in the soothing warmth of the bath, grateful for this small gesture from the harsh realities from before.


As I sat there, MoMo washed me with the utmost care, her gentle touch guiding the warm water over my body. My eyes glanced downward, witnessing the disgusting bathwater tinged with dirt and grime, and I couldn't help but feel embarrassed by my own filth. MoMo seemed to sense my discomfort and attempted to lighten the mood, assuring me, "Don't worry, everyone gets extra dirty sometimes." Yet, her words couldn't completely rid the shame that lingered; it was still a deeply embarrassing moment for me.

Suddenly, warm water covered over my eyes, and I found myself briefly startled by the unexpected sensation. However, It felt divine, the soothing warmth enveloping me, providing peace to my aching body. A soft smile tugged at my lips, savoring the tender sensation that felt both comforting and kind. "Hmmm," I hummed softly to myself, content in this serene moment as the warm water kissed my skin, granting comfort to my pain.

MoMo gently interrupted my thoughts, reminding me it was time to leave the bath. Although parting with the warm water saddened me, I understood it was necessary. Stepping out of the bath, MoMo directed me to a stool, draping a warm cloth around me. "Sit here. I'll be right back with your clothes," she said, and I complied, feeling a growing sense of trust in MoMo.

However, my attention was soon drawn to a sound at the cave entrance, and I turned my head to discover a new figure standing by the fire. The sight made me jump with a trace of fear, startled by the sudden presence of another person. As he tended to the fire, I observed his curly hair and, to my surprise, his brown skin, shockingly....a little like mine. My gaze remained fixated on him, captivated by his unfamiliar appearance.

MoMo's voice broke my trance, "thats my friend. The one that was bringing back fire wood, he may seem grumpy. But he's a good guy, he's kind. You can trust him too. Here. lets get these put on you." She assured me of his kindness and trustworthiness, urging me to believe in him as well. My curiosity and apprehension mingled as I watched him by the fire.

Yet, amidst my uncertainty, MoMo returned with clothes for me to wear, drawing my focus back to the present. Her unwavering care and support began to ease my mind, and I allowed myself to embrace the newfound warmth of her and her friend's presence. The notion of trust began to take root within me, slowly blossoming. 

MoMo's voice filled with warmth and kindness as she complimented the kimono she had dressed me in. She mentioned it might not have been the latest fashion, but I couldn't have been more grateful. Overwhelmed with appreciation, tears welled in my eyes, and I managed to muster a soft but heartfelt thank you. MoMo's understanding gaze met mine, and she smiled in response, acknowledging my emotions.

She suggested we move to sit by the fire, mentioning the fish that awaited me there. As we settled near the flames, MoMo began to introduce me to her friend, " Cory, this is... " However, when she left a pause for me to provide my name, I couldn't bring myself to utter it. Feeling like a fool, I averted my gaze, not wanting to say my name. MoMo quickly responded," a friend I have been watching." The words unsettled me; I frowned, unsure of what she meant by "watching."

MoMo seemed to read my emotions like an open book, and before I could articulate my concerns, Cory interjected with a question, "Is that the kimono you forced me to get for you? It was for her all along wasn't it?" His tone carried a mix of anxiety and anger. My unease intensified, my heart racing with uncertainty. MoMo reassured me not to panic, " Im the one that cut the rope from around the tree. I was scared. but I wanted to save you. I've been wanting to save you for a few days now when I first stumbled upon you. I didn't know who you were or if you were a prisoner. but I seen your skin..." Her words left me bewildered, questioning whether I was a prisoner or someone she truly cared about.

MoMo's attention shifted to Cory, who bore a similar expression of surprise and confusion."Your skin is so similar to Cory's I knew I had to help you." She explained. "We've never seen it before" though the details remained elusive. She stammered, nervously explaining the connection, her cheeks flushed red with embarrassment. 

In an attempt to offer comfort, Cory spoke,"Here. Eat something. It's a lot to take in and you probably have a lot of questions but don't clutter your mind with all of this for tonight." I met his eyes, finding warmth and reassurance in his gentle yet assertive gaze. Something about him made me feel safe, and I nodded, acknowledging his advice.

Gazing into the crackling fire, my thoughts swirled with questions, confusion, and a glimmer of hope. The events of tonight were like pieces of a puzzle, and I longed to understand how they fit together. For now, I chose to savor the warmth of the fire and the company of MoMo and Cory, allowing myself to rest and find solace in the newfound sanctuary they had offered me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2023 ⏰

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