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"Wait till your mother comes back you two!" Damian Rowena-Malcolm Rothschild scowled angrily as he surveyed the three fully nude figures each standing facing a corner of the private living room of the Bergington mansion. He was still dressed for the party, an elegant grey suit that fitted perfectly around his tall athletic frame.

"Oh please Damian, man up," Robin chided her baby brother, now a grown married man with twins.  If only he could translate his skills as the CEO of their enterprises towards disciplining their kids, she mused. "The box of implements is right there and it's not like you *wanted* to stay longer for the party."

The stunning blonde had left with him and the kids after they ran amok at one of Alice's film launch parties. It was a thoroughly boring affair for the Rothschild scions, only enlivened by the way their three saboteurs ended up causing so much chaos that Alice decided to send the group away.

"Are you insinuating that we should *thank* our tiny monsters for getting us out early?" Damian smirked at his sister.

"Oh yes, daddy!" Vicky yipped cheerfully.  The blonde girl wiggled her naked posterior in the direction of.

"It was soo boring Mummy," Harry called out to his mother who he hoped was in a good mood today.

"Oh? Did I ask for your opinion boy?" Harry immediately shivered realising she was not. Robin wasn't the most pleasant of individuals. Not now and not seven years ago when she was still his wife.

"Clearly Harry's the instigator of the whole thing so I will take him out for his penance," Robin stretched her arms, making sure the elegant purple dress she had on did not slip off.

"Oh come now Robs, Harry's hardly the only one to blame. It's not like these two are angels," Damian always had a soft spot for his former best friend and brother-in-law who was now completely under the lash of his ex-wife. Quite literally too if Robin were to take him outside to the prayer gardens with the whip in hand.

He probably had PTSD from the days fifty years ago when Mommy would do it to *him*. It was fortunate that the fortification oils prevented the skin from breaking and had him bleed all over.

"Regressed criminal boys could always use their Mummy's hot lash across their butt, Damian. It's how you ended up such a good man, something my ex lacked in the first round," Robin walked over towards her boy, tall and gangly with an extra chubby padded behind, designed to take a whipping equal to an adult.

"He didn't start it, Aunt Robin! It was me!" Young James's voice squeaked out for the first time stopping the blonde in her tracks. "I did it."

"Jimmy, you know how much your Mummy hates fibbing, not to mention how angry she is right now," Robin warned the short blonde boy. The twins were a head shorter than Harry who reached close to Robin's shoulder. It always gave Jimmy an extra vulnerable look, a bit of a contrast with his twin whose mischief shone through every gesture she made.

"Harry didn't do anything aunt Robin, he was way too stupid today." Vicky joined in. Of the trio, she was the closest to Harry having been his former associate and lover in their past life.

Robin looked warily at her former rival turned niece. Over the years she had gotten fond of the blonde girl, raised across her mother's formidable lap into a fine girl. "You just want your boyfriend not to get whipped."

"Nuh-uh, my *boyfriend* used to love getting whipped," Vicky countered playfully, still swaying in her corner but happy she was allowed to talk. If Mummy was around she'd have switched her thighs for not reflecting on her bad behaviour. "But it wasn't Harry, Aunt Robin. He was too scared you'd whip him in front of aunt Emily and Billy tomorrow he was trying to stop us from using the drones."

"So you were involved in the mischief as well young lady!" Damian's words got his little girl to let out a cute yelp.

"Uhhh, I'm sorry daddy!" She used her daddy's little girl voice to sound extra cute.

"Oh I'll make sure you're quite sorry soon enough," Damian frowned before turning to his son. "Jimmy, is this true? Was Harry trying to diffuse the situation or was he involved?"

"He said I was stupid and Mummy's gonna be quite mean and angry," Jimmy lied quite convincingly. It was *he* who had tried to get the two troublemakers from using the drones- *HIS* drones, the ones he invented- to wreck the big giant cake that was supposed to be the centrepiece of the whole party.

"That doesn't sound like you Harold," Robin frowned.

"Perhaps he's nervous about tomorrow's trip?" Damian queried. "I was quite nervous when I realised I had two big sisters, especially ones who were always so mean!"

Robin smiled at her baby brother. "Oh hush, you were way too gullible. Harry's the exact opposite," she declared, raising her hand to smack his butt hard.

"Oww! Thank you, ma'am," Harry called out which got Robin to blush.

"You still make him do that?" Damian frowned. He wasn't usually around for spankings so he hadn't seen his wife or sister's routines in a while.

"I didn't ask you to count out loud sweetie," Robin used to when he was new, when she needed to break him in. The name *Ma'am* triggered her these days, it was as if Harry called her that just to show her she's the evil ex-wife he tried to characterize her as.

"But I'm to have a penance, Mistress," Harry tried not to smile. Another word she hated.

"Robs, just take him to your room and be nice. I had my eye on him the whole time, Harry was fairly good. He didn't even try to sneak in a drink like he used to." Damian decided his former best friend could use some help.

"Fiiinnne. I have to pack for the trip to the city anyway." Robin let the boy turn around and leaned a little, pressing her enormous breasts together. Harry wiped his eyes to make her think he was crying before leaning to place two kisses on each breast.

"Who am I?" Robin questioned.

"Mummy." Her ex-husband smiled, giving another two kisses on her breasts. A sign of respect for their mothers in the household.

"And don't you dare forget it," she smiled and kissed his cheek. Harry was a cute boy, quite cuddly.

"When are you leaving for Emily's?" Damian asked her.

"Oh after lunch," Robin held her son's hand and eyed her niece and nephew. "Make sure they've warmed up Damian, Alice isn't one to hold back... especially with Jimmy confessing to the whole thing..." She gave her brother a big smirk. "All of you need to know that lying to save your best friend has consequences."

Damian grinned back, waiting for the pair to leave the room before he turned to his kids. "Heard Aunt Robin right? It's going to be a long night so march," he walked over to give the pair a couple of spanks on their butts, marching them upstairs to their private quarters on the first floor.

"Did Aunt Robin buy it, Daddy?" Vicky hugged her daddy around his hips which got him to pick his girl up and give her a quick kiss.

"No," Damian smiled, carrying her upstairs and looking out of the full glass windows as the bright headlights of a sports car approached. It soon stopped by the front entrance and his beautiful wife stepped out, hair already pulled back in a ponytail, ready to blister two little butts. "It's about time you realised one thing, little girl. With our Rothschild family, the only ending for naughty boys and girls is crying into their Mummy and Daddy with red bums."

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