Boyfriend or son?

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"You're such a chhiickkken!
You're such a scaredy cat!

You're such a chhiickkken!
You're such a scaredy cat!"

Victoria's stupid sing-along got so bad Jimmy was half considering punching her in the face. His rational brain debated it incessantly. On the one hand, Mommy- ermm- Alice was going to be whipping his butt regardless. She would've figured out that his sharp little adult brain was the reason why the trio managed to pull off their daring act of sabotage that left her crew with egg on their face. And while he managed to sneak through playing the goody two shoes act, Alice usually saw through that. Especially since she had waited for two weeks before springing her trap, having him ready for a looonng discussion.

You're such a chhiickkken!
You're such a scaredy cat!"

His hypothesis was...if he was gonna get whooped anyway, would punching Vicky across her face be grounds to escalate his beating to a Penance level? Mommy- ALICE, god! She was generally kinder with him so he decided not to chance it. In any case, he didn't plan the whole thing, that was Harry. Jimmy was the calm cute innocent pawn who distracted the pretty actress for the pair to sneak into the bathrooms and blow them up. He wasn't the mastermind...well, he may have told them how to make the homebrew cherry bomb and shared his expertise as a former assassin but that was it!

If M-Alice...Jimmy shook his head. It was annoying he was starting to think of his Alice, sexy hot movie star Alice as Mommy more and more. He didn't mind Damian being Daddy coz he radiated that energy and...well, he liked Damian. Damian was a fun daddy, he knew how to be playful enough that he could tame an adult boy who had declared he would steal his wife away. Jimmy loved Daddy to the point he didn't mind being spanked by him, the only person besides his grandparents to make Jimmy feel like a kid again.

Alice just tried way too hard. She sooo wanted to be his mommy that she was *relentless*. And there was good reason as to why...the boy was an adorable cuddly thing when his defences were down, curious and easy to get to laugh. She spent most of the nights watching him and her husband have their make-believe adventures with a jealous pout.

You're such a chhiickkken!
You're such a scaredy cat!"

"Vicky!" Jimmy snapped angrily at his sister. "Stop being mean to me!"

That got the blonde girl to pause. "I'm not being mean!" She whined defensively.

"I think you are," Alice's sultry tones cut through the air as both kids looked at their Mommy. And their jaws dropped.

Alice was stunning. Her hair was smooth and brushed all pretty, jet black as she let it flow down to her back. She had light makeup on, her lips ruby red. She wore a very revealing sheer black lace lingerie set that perfectly encapsulated her flat strong midriff. Her breasts were extra large, not having fed either of the pair till then and she had an alluring smile, hand on her hips.

"Ooooh! Mommy, you're suuper sexy today!" Vicky gushed happily, rushing over to hug her around her waist, planting some kisses on her skin. She smelled her apple-flavoured body butter and her eyes crossed. "You'll taste yummy too! Wanna eat you!"

"Ah ah ah, is that any way to talk to your mother?" Alice grinned, picking her up and nibbling her cheeks.

"No, but I gets to talk to my best fwiend anyway I wants," Victoria replied childishly, pressing her face in between her mommy's cleavage and motorboating her. Which got Alice to laugh out loud.

*Ohh!* The realisation hit the actress. This was what her mother-in-law meant when she said to lean into her sexiness with her boy blushing at the sight of his silly sister.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05 ⏰

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