Of Mice and Men

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Of Mice and Men

I stare at the lifeless body on the floor. I snap out of it and suddenly realize that Lennie is out there hiding, and once Curley sees his wife he's going to be after him.

That's not going to go well if Curley finds him. I think back to how sad Candy looked when Carlson killed his dog. He killed it with his gun. The luger. He has something to kill Lennie with. I have to get it so they ain't gonna get to Lennie. I turn to Candy.

"I ain't gonna let 'em hurt Lennie. Now you listen. The guys might think I was in on it. I'm gonna go in the bunkhouse. Then in a minute you come out and tell the guys about her. Will you do that? So the guys won't think I'm in on it?" I ask.

He looks up at me.

"Sure George. Sure I'll do that." He said to me with worry in his eyes.

"Ok Give me a couple of minutes then, and you come runnin' out an' tell like you jus' found her. I'm going now." I told him.

I sucked in a breath and headed out the door. I rush into the bunkhouse, and into Carlson's room. I search through everything for his luger. I eventually found it in his bag. I Figured out where to put it and i felt chills when I heard Candy yell for everyone.

"Curley! Curley! You're wife! Come quick!"

I grabbed my coat and ran out to them as fast as I could. Slim walked up to her quickly, and bent down feeling her wrist seeing if she still has a pulse. After he caught sight of her neck and brushed his fingers along it, feeling the broken bone of her neck. I looked at Curley. He looked, sad? He looked up and anger suddenly filled his face.

"I know who done it. That son-of-a-bitch done it. I know he done it. Why-ever'body else was out there playin' horseshoes." He stood up.

"I'm gonna get him. I'm going for my shotgun. I'll kill the big son-of-a-bitch myself. I'll shoot 'im in the guts. Come on guys" Curley ran out of the barn.
Carlson followed saying "I'll get my luger." I felt myself tense up. Slim turned to me and said "I guess Lennie done it, all right. Her necks bust. Lennie coulda done that." I didn't answer.

The thought of Lennie being hunted makes me sad even though I don't want to admit it.

"Well I guess we got to get him. Where you think he might of went?" he asked It feels as if he's staring me down.

"He-would of went south. We come from north so would of went south." I forced myself to say.

"I guess we gotta get 'im." Slim told me once again.

I don't want Lennie to die. Maybe there's a way he don't have to get killed. Maybe he can be put somewhere so he ain't gonna do anything bad ever again.
I stepped closer to Slim so no one could hear and I whispered "Couldn' we maybe bring him in an' they'll lock him up? He's nuts, Slim. He never done this to be mean." I pleaded.

"We might. If we could keep Curley in, we might. But Curley's still mad about his hand. An' s'pose they lock him up an' strap him down and put him in a cage. That ain't no good George." He's right.

"I know, I know." Before I knew it Carlson ran into the room.

"The bastard's stole my luger. It ain't in my bag." Soon after Carlson came in Curley followed behind.

"All right, you guys. The nigger's got a shotgun. You take it Carlson. When you see 'um. don't give 'im no chance. Shoot for his guts. That'll double 'im over." I suddenly lost my breath.

"I ain't got a gun." Carlson told Curley.

"You go in Soledad an' get a cop. Get Al Whits, he's a deputy sheriff. Let's go now." Curley looked at me with cold eyes.

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