The Smelly live.

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How are we? Quick note. This is rewrite of Perfectly Imperfect which was previously a Valkyrae story. I had a question about it the other day and went and re-read it on my old account (brogay94) and it peaked my interest, so we're re-writing this bad boy.

Whoever decided that doing four shifts in a row was a clever idea, clearly hadn't ever actually worked four damn shifts in a row. 

I'm on my 78th hour and this has got to be about the 11th shower I've had. 

Typically, as gross as it sounds, you don't shower after every call out because what's the point? You're just gonna smell like a chimney afterwards regardless. But when your last job was a fire in a fish factory, you're left with little to no choice, which is why as soon as our truck pulled back into the fire house I made a run to the shower rooms.

I pulled off my boots and untucked my LAFD t shirt from my cargo pants. Fire department uniform isn't exactly flattering. Even more so when you're smelling whiffs of fish with every movement. Before heading inside the shower rooms I grabbed one of the spare towels on the rack by the bunks before pausing.

"The fuck is that?" I mumble before stopping my movements and holding my breath, because that totally makes your hearing better, and listened out the faint noise again.

'Oh shoot, how do I turn requests off?'

'Guys! Okay, you know what, screw it. Lets go, come talk to me.'

After listening out for a couple seconds I try to follow the direction the faint sound of voices is coming from, unable to control my eye roll when I found the probie's phone laying on his bunk, probably abandoned there since out last call.

"Probie, your phone has voices coming out of it!" I yell, knowing someone will pass the message on to him if he didn't hear me himself.

"He's doing cleanup, Tobs!" TK, one of the paramedics in the station yelled back in response.

Letting out a deep breath of annoyance from being delayed from my shower to get fish free, I give in and pick the phone up, my eyes widening when I noticed that it was on an Tik Tok live and it looks like Probie had requested to join considering my face was currently on half of the screen. Probably wasn't my best angle when I took note of the sweat sticking my hair down, the soot on my skin, and the look of annoyance across my face. 

You really don't understand how bad I stink right now.

"Uhh...Hello?" I eventually said when my mouth caught up to my brain. The girl on the otherside of the screen had a smile plastered on her face whilst I felt my eyebrows furrow. I swear I know her. The brunette furrowed her own eyebrows playfully, leaning a bit closer to the screen. I frowned more at her, raising one eyebrow in question. The girl copied my movement and I ran my tongue across my teeth. "...why do I know you?" I eventually asked. 

I'd purposely tried to not look at how many people are currently watching me in a stand off with this woman, but my eyes hate me and couldn't resist a glance up towards the corner. 98.2K. Perfect.

"I mean...did you not request to join my live?" She paused and moved closer to the screen for a second before grinning. "AbulousRicky69?" She added with a smirk.

I let out a laugh, because of course that would be Probie's  username. "Oh, no. This isn't my phone. Or my account. It's Probie's- I mean, it's Ricky's. I was gonna go shower when I found it on his bunk. But y'know...happy accidents, I guess."

This girl was scarily attractive. Like, intimidatingly attractive. And I was living for it. She began talking and the penny finally dropped. She's in that Hawkeye show! It all clicks in place. This chick is an actress, I think I've heard her sing too. Something about being starving and could eat a zoo. 

Aww, man. She's still talking.

I have no clue what she's said.

...Just gonna nod. Safe bet.

"Everything happens for a reason, right?" Her voice eventually interrupting my thoughts. "So where is Abulousricky69?"

"He's on cleanup duty."

"What, do you guys live in like a boarding house or something?"

I'm well aware the smile hasn't left my face, and as bad as it sounds I'm not gonna waste the chance to tell her I'm a firefighter. She's hot, and chicks seem to love it. "God no. We're in a firehouse. We're firefighters. See?" I pick up the material of my t shirt to show her the LAFD logo before pulling the phone away from my body to show the bunk room.

"That's so cool!" The girl exclaimed, not alone in her thoughts if the comments were anything to go by. "Do you get to go down one of them poles when you go to a fire?"

I shook my head and made a face of disgust. "You can if you wanna be the stations douche bag. You kinda just have to sprint to the truck from wherever you are and pull your gear up before getting in."

I moved my body so they can see the direction we run towards but making that sudden movement caused the whiff from my skin to hit my nose and nearly cause my sense of smell to die, not to be dramatic. It's sort of typical that I get to talk to the pretty girl the same time I smell of burning fish.

"Uhm, as nice and as...unexpected as this has been...I really need to go shower before we get another call because I quite literally smell like a fish factory." I told her with a grimace.

McHottie let out a small laugh and I tried to stop my stomach doing flips at the site. If you don't get butterflies when you make pretty girls laugh, you're lying. 

"That sucks...but I totally get it! Erm, a couple of people have asked if they can follow your personal account?"

I smiled at the request, my Instagram isn't private or anything because honestly my life isn't that interesting. "Uhh, sure. I don't have Tik Tok, but my Instagram is TobinKaiin126. Two i's in Kaiin and spelt with a K. It was nice to meet you."

Before I lose my will to leave I click off the live and lock probie's phone and dropping it on his bed, no desire to tell him what he missed.

"God, I fuckin' stink." I muttered as I got another whiff.

"Yeah you do. Shower. Now." The voice of Captain Nash booming through the room caused me to jump, ignoring the now persistent buzzing in my pants pocket from my own phone.

HaileeSteinfeld followed TobinKaiin126!

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