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TobinKaiin126: last call done

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TobinKaiin126: last call done...I'm ready for my 4 day hibernation.

Tagged: @TKStranded, @EvBuckers102 likes | 9 comments

FlökiKaiin: be careful little one.

- TobinKaiin126: thanks dad

Valkyrae: 3 is my favourite number :)

- TobinKaiin126: nice...shame it's not my number tho :(

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Before this morning, my one strongest belief in life was that there's no better feeling that walking into your apartment and laying down in your own bed without worrying about when the next alarm will go off or worrying that you're going to snore and someone will record it, completely rational fear.

But now, after seeing that Hailee Steinfeld (and after I eventually died of the shame of not realizing her name) had followed my account and not only commented on my most recent post, but also liked a few others on my, this feeling rivals it. I'm a complete sucker for a pretty girl and I know it, I accept it. It's fine.

It sounds pitiful, I know, but in my career you don't really get the opportunity to go out and meet many girls, and even if you do manage to meet someone and build that sort of bond with them, a lot can't manage the truth of you being a firefighter.

Everyone has this kinda dream of a firefighter being this big brave job, it has sex appeal, you know? But the fact is, not everyone can handle it. We spend 4 days constantly on shift, our career is quite literally running into burning buildings and constantly putting ourselves into dangerous situations. We come home and cry so often either out of exhaustion or out of the sights we've seen. Sights that people should never have to witness in their lifetime. But we do. We carry that on our shoulders, and not everyone is willing to help us carry that burden. It's a lot to deal with. Any relationships we build have to deal with the knowledge that when we go on shift, there's a chance we may not come back, and if we do, we may not be the same as we were. How do you ask someone to carry that knowledge? How do you ask someone to be there and let you lean on them?

You don't. You try to, but eventually, the effort just isn't worth it.


"Shut up!" I groaned as next doors blaring music pounded through the walls and woke me up for the second time in the past few hours. I blindly reached over and grabbed the pillow on the other side of the bed, bringing it over my face. "Murder is wrong. Murder is wrong." I muttered, eventually giving up and rolling out of bed and walking over to the wall before banging my fists on it repeatedly, sighing when I didn't seem to get any response and I swear the volume increased.

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