Chapter Eighteen

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"Um... yeah, kind of," Nyx shrugged.

"Well, it may have started off like that," Ron shrugged. "But we quickly grew to like you." He blushed at his honest answer.

"Sorry?" Nyx gasped.

"You are a genius!" Hermione smiled. "It has been so fun to bounce ideas off you and see how you work. You are so kind and loving and sweet, and I can not believe that you went through years of school on your own with no friends. I am so sorry about that. I would have loved to have been your friend."

Nyx smiled.

"You are something special," Blaise said, patting her leg. "We have all really enjoyed spending time with you over these past few weeks, and we are not ready to let you walk out of our lives."

"Yeah, you are a damn good cook," Ron chuckled.

"And I have loved practising magic with you and doing all the muggle things I never got to growing up. You let me vent, and we have had some great talks these last few weeks," Harry beamed at her.

"And you have introduced me to so many amazing new things," Blaise laughed. "Opening my eyes to a whole other world I never even knew existed."

"See," Draco smiled. "You were more to all of us than just a job. You have no idea how much last night meant to me. You helped me in so many ways I couldn't even begin to explain. I was living half a life until last night. You helped me see that, and you helped me start to heal."

"Seems you have touched everyone's hearts," Pansy pointed out. "Everyone here cares for you – myself included, you rescued one of my best friends. I can never thank you enough for that. So you are not alone. You have made yourself the most unlikely of friends."

"But here we all are....for you," Hermione smiled.

Nyx didn't know quite what to say. She had never had more than one friend before. There were a few in her house during school that knew her name, Neville, Dean, and Seamus knew her enough to say hello, but that's it. She spoke to Luna once or twice and Theo Nott and Daphne Greengrass a few times after the battle. But she never had anyone that she could talk to, share stories, and laugh with. Not since Riley.

She couldn't believe that these people actually wanted to spend time with her, not because it was their job but because they liked her. It was strange to her. Foreign. New. But she was grateful.

"Thank you," she said with tears in her eyes.

"I am going to see if we can get that Healer to hurry his ass up and get you out of here," Kingsley said, leaving the room.

"Pansy, will you get the house ready for Nyx?" Draco asked.

"Sure, which one is it?" She asked, lifting her bag.

"The one in Bath at the lake," Draco said, writing down the address in a little notebook Pansy handed him. "Just needs some dusting and maybe order food for her?" Draco suggested.

"I will also order you some clothes and things," Pansy nodded, tucking her notebook in her jacket pocket.

"I will give you money for it all," Nyx said, trying to sit up. It wasn't easy as a pain shot across her chest.

"It's a gift from me to you," Pansy waved her off. "I have lots to do. I will see you later."

Her heels could be heard clicking all the way down the corridor as everyone turned to look at Nyx. "It's Friday. Don't you guys have work?"

"Work can wait," Harry smiled.

"It can not. Go and get your work done and enjoy your weekend. I am fine," Nyx assured them all. She moved as another pain shot through her chest, and she closed the front of her hospital gown.

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