Chapter Nine - Soul Meets Soul On Lover's Lips

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There are some souls that instantly click. Whether you're lovers, soul mates, best friends, or something entirely special that no amount of words could ever come close enough to explain. They become your home, they become the air you need to breathe. No distance, time, or person could ever break the invisible string tethering you together, forever. Their kindness, brilliance, sincerity and unconditional love make you try your hardest to be a better person, because life without them would be miserable at best. This soul is your happy place, your comfort on hard days, your sunshine when the darkness becomes too real, your everything and more.   

Emma and Mattheo stood in her room just staring at one another, eyes not daring to look away. He looked at her just like he always did completely and utterly mesmerized. She was like night, the beautiful swirls of color in the starry skies, a perfect mix of darkness and light. He was absolutely, completely, wholly in love with Emma Potter.

The realization startling him, there was no doubt about it. He was in love. His heart felt strangely at peace, a kind of feeling Mattheo Riddle has never known. A fire being lit in his body much like wildfire.

He loved her. He was almost in disbelief. 

She let out a slow shaky breath as she takes a step closer to him. The movement causing him to look at the clock on her nightstand, twelve forty in the morning. A small smile tugging on his lips. "It's November first" he tells her, her eyes widening as she realized what he just said.

Tears instantly started falling down her cheeks as Mattheo rushes to her side, wiping them away with his thumbs. "I'm sorry..." he pulls back to look at her tear filled eyes "I thought....shit. I've made a proper mess of tonight." he admits to her as she shakes her head no.

"No....for the first time in my life, I.....I didn't let the darkness envelope me. I lived in the moment and I felt happy, because of you." her lips part into a small smile as the tears continued to stream down her face making Mattheo's breath catch. He didn't understand how someone could be so incredibly stunning while crying.

"I love you" he says barely above a whisper.

Emma's eyes widen, a complete and total surprise. Her small smile now turned into the most ridiculous grin. "I love you Emma Potter. I think I have loved you for years, have loved you before we even met. Like there was some kind of invisible string that has tied us together since the very beginning. I am forever yours in life and in death. I will love you until my very last breath and then find you in the next life." his whole body was wrecked with nervous energy.

He watched her carefully, scared to breathe...scared she would not feel the same. Her hands come to cup his cheek as she stands on her tip toes, those perfect lips of hers brushing his in a slow painfully beautiful kiss that seemed to stop time. His heart was thumping so hard he thought it would rip out of his chest. She pulls away her light green eyes on his brown ones.

"You have no idea" she pauses as his eyebrows raise, the soft gentle look on his face making her melt into a puddle.
"I've been yours since the beginning. Been fighting this intense and overwhelming love for you. I think you and I are two pieces of one soul. I think magic conspired for us to meet because we were always suppose to be one. When I'm with you I feel complete, like our souls are whispering there you are. You are mine and I am yours." she searches his eyes as unshed tears fill them. "I love you Mattheo Riddle forever in this life and the next." He felt his entire body relax, his lips come crashing down on hers the intensity of her words, the utter need to be with her was overwhelming.

His hands find the back of her thighs as he lifts her into his arms. She hooks her legs around his waist, her arms wrapping around his neck. He walked them slowly to her bed, savoring the feel of their kiss. Something had changed between them tonight, maybe it was the weeks of built up tension but Mattheo knew without a doubt that it was their confession of love.

War, Love, and Riddle //Mattheo Riddle x OCWhere stories live. Discover now