Chapter Twenty One

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Draco woke up the following morning to the smell of coffee and toast. He threw on a t-shirt and followed the smell down to the kitchen. He leaned against the door frame and watched as Nyx danced around the kitchen listening to music he had never heard before, but he actually quite liked. She was wearing a simple tank top and pyjama trousers, which hung off her hips. Her hair was tied up in a messy bun, and she didn't have any makeup on, not that she needed it. He could have happily watched her all morning. That was until she called without even turning. "Rather than standing there watching, you could help, you know?" She made Draco jump as she turned to him. "The coffee percolator should be done and -"

"The what?" Draco asked, confused. Nyx didn't even turn but used her wooden spoon in her hand to point to the counter where a glass coffee pot was sitting in a black box of some sort that had numbers on it. "What is this thing?"

"Kind of hard to explain, but it basically makes coffee for you. Good coffee. Do you like coffee?" She asked. He nodded. "Well, you will like this one. Pour out two cups. I have breakfast ready."

He did as asked although he wasn't sure what to do but he didn't want to seem like an idiot so he grabbed the handle and thankfully the pot pulled out of the box and he poured two cups as Nyx flicked her hand and the utensils and plates flew out of the cupboard and set themselves at the table.

Draco was well used to magic. He grew up around magic, and yet he had never seen it used like this. His parents had house elves that lived for them. They never cooked, Draco wasn't even sure where the kitchen was in the Manor if he was honest. He simply called, and whatever he wanted was brought to him. But here Nyx seemed perfectly at home, as she danced around the kitchen. In fact, she had made a few changes to the kitchen. The large fire that was used to cook food was gone, and in its place was a large white box thing with four circles on top. There were pots and pans on top of the circles. Draco must have been staring as Nyx giggled. "It's called a cooker. I may have changed a few things around your cottage. I promise to put it back before I leave, but this is just a much easier way of cooking. I did have to conjure up electrics, which wasn't easy, and now that I think about it, may be illegal, but no one has to know."

"Elec - huh?" Draco was lost.

"These four rings heat up, like a fire, and it allows me to cook a few things at once." She opened a drawer. "This is called a grill and allows me to make toast easily."

"These are muggle things?" Draco asked, intrigued.

"Yeah," she bit her lip. "Is that OK? I am sorry I didn't think to ask."

He shook his head. "No, it's absolutely fine. This is what Blaise has been harping on at me about. Saying that, I needed to add that elec- thing to the apartment. I see now that he was right." He watched as she flipped bacon and sausages before all the food flew across the room and onto the table. "It amazes me that you can do all this without even paying attention. Or using your wand. That is unbelievable."

She shrugged as she gestured him over to the table. "Not really. It's just plenty of practise. Hungry?"

"Uh... yeah, starving, actually," he smiled as he sat down next to her. He took a sip of coffee and gave an involuntary 'ummm' as Nyx giggled. "This is amazing!"

"I did tell you," she chuckled. "I am sorry I wasn't awake when you got back."

Draco scoffed. "I never expected you to be. I was back late. You would have been told off if you were still up. Did you take a vial this morning?" She nodded as she popped a piece of sausage in her mouth.

They ate their breakfast, making small chat and asking questions about each other. Nyx was surprised to learn that the stuck-up, snobby Draco that used to parade around Hogwarts was nowhere to be seen. Draco had really changed. He still thought highly of himself, but it wasn't unbearable anymore. When they finished eating, he stood up. "Leave that for Watts."

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