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Today has been a rough morning; I can't find peace and quiet. The world around me is silent, but my mind is raging. My ancestors and I have become one, and I'm unsure how to navigate this newfound connection.

The sun shines at its brightest, bearing down on me as I take a shower. Even my plants seem affected today as if they feel the weight of my thoughts. I was startled to discover that one of the sacred plants had withered and died. These plants have thrived for hundreds of years, and their loss sets a somber mood for the day.

Lost in contemplation about the significance of the plant's demise, I hardly noticed Nani joining me in the shower until her arms wrapped around my waist, her hands resting gently on my shoulders.

"How's your morning?" she said, running her fingers through her hair.

"It's good now that you're here," I said, turning around to face her and burying my head in her neck.

"You sleep crazy," she said, smiling softly.

"Mmm," I replied absentmindedly, paying little attention to what she was saying as I stepped out of the shower. The warmth of the sun was inviting, and I decided to let it dry me off.

"Good morning," Yalu greeted, barging into my room as she always did. Her casual attire and neatly braided hair exuded a sense of relaxed confidence.

"I hope you had fun last night since you ditched me the whole night," she remarked, making herself at home and rolling up some of my stash.

"I love how you come in unannounced, rummage through my things, and help yourself to my stuff," I retorted as I put on my underwear. I watched her make herself comfortable on my bed, smoking my stash without care.

"How was your night with your new whore?" Yalu teased.

"Her night with me was amazing; I wish you were there to join. It might have been even better," Nani chimed in, emerging from the shower and catching Yalu off guard. Her hair was elegantly braided to one side, and she walked confidently towards the sun to let it dry her off.

As I smirked at Yalu's now sour expression, a knock sounded at the door.

I glanced at the door, ensuring it was closed before Jenna came in with breakfast.

"My lord, breakfast," she said, avoiding eye contact with me but glancing at Yalu and giving a curious look at Nani, trying to figure out who she was. It was evident that Jenna could understand why Nani was in my room, but I wasn't in the mood to entertain her assumptions.

"Don't call me that. I'm still Celeste, and you are to address me as such. You have no problem saying my name in bed, so keep that same energy when you're out of it as well," I said sternly, annoyed with her choice of words. I had a massive headache, and their presence was not helping.

The only time I felt peace in the last hours was when Nani served me. Other than that, everyone else seemed to worsen my headache.

"Someone's short today," Yalu sneered, trying to provoke a reaction from me. I ignored her comment and walked towards the array of food Jenna brought to my room for us to pick from.

"Nani, feel free to pick out what looks good," I gestured to the food. There was everything from peach slices to cooked phoenixes, but something on this table was making me feel sick. I ate anyway, thinking that maybe my headache was causing my discomfort.

The girls joined in eating, and an awkward silence filled the room. I didn't expect anyone to start a conversation willingly, and I wasn't in the mood to push them to do so.

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