Unveiling Shadow

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Celeste ---

As I woke up in my room, the warm morning light streamed through the slightly ajar door, casting a gentle glow upon me. It had been an eventful couple of days, filled with mysteries and transformations. The absence of Nani and Yalu weighed heavily on my mind. Yalu had been trying to reach me, but my parents, sensing something amiss, forbade her entrance until she was ready to reveal her actions.

My newfound powers and purpose felt both exhilarating and unnerving. My appearance had changed, my body had grown stronger, and my aura more commanding. Even my parents seemed distant, their interactions brief and different from before.

As I got ready for the day, I felt a strange calling, as if the Kyrie were watching, yet they had not made their presence known. The serpent mark of Akio on my back felt like a symbol of acceptance into a new realm.

The enchanted bracelet given by Nani refused to come off, puzzling me about its origins and purpose. I knew I needed to find Nani and uncover the truth behind it.

Every day brought new surprises, like marks or bumps signifying some latent power awakening within me. There was an underlying longing for something I couldn't quite comprehend.

Joining my parents for breakfast, I felt a mix of curiosity and frustration. I yearned for answers from them.

"Good morning," I greeted them as I took a seat at the dining table.

"How did you sleep?" my mother inquired, her focus on her food. My father remained silent, his eyes wandering elsewhere.

"I've had better," I replied, though my mind was preoccupied with questions.

As I began eating the fruits and vegetables laid out before me, I sensed a growing agitation. The food no longer felt satisfying enough for my heightened appetite.

"Bring me some meat," I announced with a louder tone, calling out to any nearby servant. Jenna swiftly responded, placing a plate filled with a variety of meats before me. I pushed aside the previous dish and delved into the savory assortment, trying to calm the increasing hunger and restlessness creeping its way up.

My body was undergoing a transformation; I ate less, yet hunger consumed me relentlessly. This month, I had eaten merely three times, and each time, the satisfaction seemed fleeting. My mother's concerned voice pierced through my thoughts.

I could hear what they were thinking, what they were feeling, and who their being was.

"I don't know," I replied honestly to my mother's thoughts, my plate nearly empty as my hunger still raged on. A rare event was unfolding, one that hadn't occurred in over 10,000 years—the replacement of a member of the Kyrie. But it wasn't proceeding as expected.

My father's agitation escalated, and he demanded, "Bring Morathi!" With a firm grip, he pulled me through the castle, the spirits' voices in my mind growing louder. Memories of my birthday night, the connection to my ancestors, and the spirits now roving in my thoughts flooded my mind.

We reached the cave where ancient sacrificial ceremonies took place and my father's grip tightened around my neck, accusing me of being an imposter, a smaller-ranked goddess in disguise. Panic and fear consumed me as he dangled me perilously close to the sacrificial cliff.

Suddenly, Morathi intervened, placing her hand on my father's shoulder, and he released his grip, sending me crashing to the ground, my head hitting a stone with a painful impact. The fire seemed to course through my veins, and my father poised himself as if preparing to fight me.

Morathi bent down before me, asking to see my hands and the bracelet on my wrist. I hesitated but gave in, keeping a wary eye on my father. She inspected the bracelet closely, seeking answers.

"It's a bracelet from a girl," I answered vaguely, reluctant to reveal more.

"Give her answers, girl!" my father urged, displeased with my short responses.

"Open yourself to me," Morathi commanded gently as she applied a mixture of dirt and charcoal-colored tears to my temples. The drumming from her entourage intensified, stirring the spirits inside me to a frenzy. She hummed softly, peering deeply into my eyes, searching for something.

Morathi possessed rare healing gifts, far beyond the ordinary. Her knowledge of ancient potions and elixirs could cure or bring death. She could delve into one's memories, a power only bestowed upon a chosen few by the Kyrie.

The voices in my head, I couldn't comprehend their words, but I felt their emotions and intentions. They tugged at my consciousness, urging me to embrace their truths.

I felt as though I was floating outside my own body, an unwilling spectator to my own actions. My arms moved of their own accord, seemingly guided by an invisible force, slowly rising towards Morathi's weathered face while she remained entranced by the mesmerizing beat of the ancient drums. The rhythmic sound filled the cave, resonating with the ancient spirits that now coexisted within me.

Her trance seemed unbreakable, and I couldn't comprehend how I was controlling her. It was like unseen energy had tethered us together, allowing me access to her memories and experiences.

As my hands reached her temples, she snapped out of her trance and focused on me, her eyes wide with shock and confusion. Our connection had opened up a floodgate of visions, her memories flowing into me like a river. I witnessed every deal she had ever made, glimpsing into the hidden world of ancient potions and elixirs, both healing and deadly. It was a power she wielded with ease, a power that was now intertwined with mine.

Through Morathi's memories, I saw that I wasn't the first to encounter this fate. Another child, my father's firstborn, had suffered a similar dark destiny – raised under his care but ultimately slain by his own father to secure his position of power. It was a horrifying revelation that sent shivers down my spine, realizing that my father's selfish quest for supremacy had claimed the life of his own flesh and blood.

Filled with a mix of anger, fear, and survival instinct, I found myself unable to resist the pull of this newfound power. I absorbed Morathi's life force, drawing her energy and power into myself. It was a brutal act, and she screamed in agony as I drained her, leaving her lifeless body slumped before me.

Time seemed to stand still, and everyone around me had been frozen during the exchange. Now, as they came back to awareness, shock, and horror filled their faces as they witnessed the aftermath of my actions. The drummers had vanished, their connection to Morathi severed.

Facing my father, I confronted him with a trembling voice, "You were going to kill me." I said, his eyes betraying the truth of his intentions.

"And you were going to let him," I turned to my mother, tears streaming down her face. It pained me to realize that even my own mother, who should protect me, had conspired against me, manipulated by my father's sinister plan.

"Sleep," I whispered, my voice quivering, and my mother slumped to the ground, unconscious. I knew I had to deal with her later, but for now, I needed time to process the devastating truths that had been unveiled.

The weight of the revelations bore down on me, leaving me stunned and overwhelmed. My father's deception, my mother's complicity, and the tragic fate of my supposed brother – it was all too much to comprehend. The hunger for power and the ruthless manipulation within my own family shattered my world, leaving me uncertain about who I could trust and where I truly belonged.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06 ⏰

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