Welcome to Highschool ❤️

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A/N: hi! are you enjoying this? good! anyway, enjoy some more bc i really hate this.. also this isnt based off me its just based off the y/n everyone makes 😶 anyway enjoy!
We arrive at my new highschool, when everyone saw us they freaked! Why am I getting all of this attention? Im supposed to be mysterious..

"We are here, darling~" Jimin says, as the mafia boss opens my door for me. God, they are such gentlemens! I don't deserve them.. (💯)

As I get out of the car, i accidentally trip on air! And i land in Harry Styles arms!! Oh my gosh! And everyone was watching.. "Im so sorry!" I say as i run off to the back of the school completely flustered.

When I'm at the back of the school, i sit down and was about to cry.. But then, this guy comes up to me and sits down next to me.. "Hi! Are you ok? You seem sad and you look a little red." He is speaking to me, no one has ever dared to do that before..

"H-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-hi!.." I say, clearly nervous.. Im never this nervous around someone, do i have.. feelings for him?.. Why would i, he isn't even my type! I hate nerdy boys, they're just so nerdy..

"Im fine.. I just accidentally tripped into Harry Styles and everyone was staring.. I felt so embarrassed.. Im scared to what people think of me.."

"Are you sure? I just am concerned if u are okay or not.. By the way, Im Noah! Im new here but its not my first day." He says, he is being so nice to me.. for what?.. I don't talk to nerdy boys.

"Im fine, now get away from me.. Im Y/N.." I say, I don't want to talk to him. He is nerdy and dumb and ugly and.. stupid.

"Oh shit." He says under his breath, knowing that i am the fucking worst y/n out there.. (YES FINALLY)
Haha! Just kidding! (OH SHIT NVM..)

"W-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-whats w-wrong?" I say, but then.. He runs away! Why would he do that?! Im not that bad!.. *sighs* I will never be good enough for society..

As I stay on the ground someone comes in eye-view, its.. Harry Styles, BTS, and the mafia boss! "W-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-what a-a-are y-you d-d-doing h-h-h-h-here?.." I say as tears run down my sloppy cheeks, crying is so hard since i barely do it..

"Baby, we heard you talking to someone. Was he mean to you? Ill kill him if he was, ill protect you kitten!" The Mafia Boss says, he is so overprotective of me, idk why..

"N-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-no.. He just ran away from me, but don't hurt him please! He didn't do anything wrong.." I cry

"Its ok, babe. At least he isn't here anymore!" Harry Styles says.

My diamond, baby blue, ocean orbs glistened in the hot and shiny sun.

"I-i-i-i-i-i-i-i g-g-gotta g-go to c-c-c-class.." I say as i go into the back doors and to my locker, no one is in the halls yet, i am lucky.

I get bullied by the popular girls because i'm different and a outcast. They don't like me because every boy simps over me, I don't know why they do because i'm not like other girls..

I get my english books for english class, then i head into class. Everyone is staring at me!

"Miss. Harper, your late to class. Take a seat next to Noah." She says, I cant believe i will be sitting next to Noah..

Then i sit down next to him, i am shaking a bit from earlier. He notices but doesn't say anything. Then class starts and the teacher starts talking again, usually i sleep or draw and write in my notebook since this class is very boring.

"Psst.. Hey!" He whispers to me. "W-what do you want?" I say stuttering.

"Sorry about earlier, i was just shocked and ran.." He says, i don't think i forgive him just yet..

"Its ok, but i don't forgive you yet. I cried, you know.."

"Sorry about that, like, i really am.."

I feel forced to forgive him..

"Ugh.. Its fine, i guess.."

"Thanks for forgiving me! Wanna be friends?"

Im not sure if i wanna be friends with the person who made me cry but.. i feel forced so i have to or i will hurt his feelings..

"Uhh.. Sure?."


"Noah Edwards and Olivia Harper! In the principal's office! NOW!"

Goddamn it.. This is why i don't talk to people like him..

(Time Skip)
"Why are you two in my office today?" The principal says.

"We were talking in class.. BUT ITS NOAH'S FAULT SINCE HE STARTED IT!"



"STOP THIS INSTANT! I am giving you two detention, your parents will be hearing about this!" The principal says..

Oh gee, i have detention.. At least my mom sold me so she wont know about this.

"W-what?!.." Noah said shivering.. Huh, I wonder why he is shivering, is he ok?

A/N: i will be updating this later but anyway enjoy and you will see what happens next when i update this shitty hellhole.. lol bye 👋

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