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Warning: Blades, Blood :(

The shadows helped conceal your figure as you stalked past each house of the neighborhood; your eyes in desperate search for something that seemed mildly approachable.

Children and Youth alike each roamed the streets - either alone, or grouped up, adorning colorful attire: whilst you tried your best to remain out of sight. With your blade clenched tightly in your hand, you finally steered your attention away from the festively dressed crowds and focused on your main goal again. You needed to focus.

And as you continue to slip past the variety of people, your eyes flicker wildly through the darkness, until finally - they spark. In the far distance, you can see a dimly lit house. It's perched just perfectly behind a hill, barely out of sight - just enough for you.

With a sinister grin playing on your lips, the grip you have on the handle of the blade tightens to the point your knuckles begin to pale - but you pay it no mind as you traverse forth, your presence still unknown to the many people of the streets. 

When you finally make it towards the trailway that led up towards the house, you can no longer hear the loud conversations from the neighborhood - the ones that had annoyed you so much, now drowned out by the silence of the woods that surrounded this property. It was a shift in mood, yes - but it wasn't unfamiliar to you. After all, you weren't the victim here. Fear wasn't an option for you.

Adjusting your mask, you stalk towards the house, remaining carefully hidden amongst the foliage, your gaze narrow and observant. It was pretty late, so you weren't expecting anyone to still be up at the moment.. But as you gaze upwards, you can see a moving shadow in the second story of the house. It moves quickly past the view of the window.

You stifle an irritated scoff and make your way towards a window located near the front door. Taking a moment to peer inside the residence, you find what you believe to be the living room: is empty and dark. And you barely waste any time at all, making your move the moment you recognize that vacancy.

You smash the handle of your blade against the glass. Once, twice, until it comes crashing down on the interior floor. Hurrying inside, you hop over the window sill and make way to avoid the broken shards on the floor; quickly scurrying off into a dark corner, blade at the ready.

They must've heard. There's no way they didn't.

And to no surprise, you had been correct. From above the stairs, you can hear someone flip on the light switch - a faint ''hello?'' escapes their lips, and when they don't get an answer, they stupidly continue downwards, just barely passing the corner you hid behind. Your lips curl upwards, twisting into a toothy smile beneath the mask.

You barely give them any time to react. Reaching out, you emerge from your hiding spot with a cackle, gripping the back of their hair and dragging them down. They collide against the floorboards with a scream, scrambling to reach for your arms; to attempt to pry you off. But when they find they are unable, they only continue to squirm and writhe - tears welling up in their eyes. This only leaves you snickering at them.

You press the tip of the blade up against their throat and push your back against a nearby wall, dragging them with, ''Not very smart, are you?'', You mock. There is no direct response - only more whining and silenced, useless pleas. With an eyeroll, you reel your arm back and decide to just take them out: your arm quickly ramming the blade into their flesh.

They twitch, fingernails clawing at the other held that remained tangled in their hair. But when they actually decide to fight back, it's already too late. They begin to choke and gargle - before finally stilling, dropping lifelessly to the floor.

You wipe any remaining blood from your hands, and lift your mask upward to cleanse your blade with the swipe of your tongue - stuffing it in your pocket afterwards. Then you finally turn your attention back towards the corpse.

You were relatively strong, yes, but you had no idea how you were about to sneak this back to your shed. Unnoticed, past the bustling streets - where it would be easier than ever to catch you in the act. You run a hand through your hair and sigh, kneeling into a crouch-like position besides the carcass.. but just then, you hear something.

You snap your head around, glancing towards the direction the sound had come from, mask quickly back on your face - concealing your identity. You swipe your blade from your pocket, eyes narrowed. You had heard footsteps from somewhere in the kitchen.

But you weren't stupid enough to call out.

Unlike this guy, who had made the fatal mistake of being just a bit too loud. (what a noob)

hello so i know its been forever, and not many people have seen this story yet lol

im just getting back into writing so pls ignore if its a little corny

suggestions would be coolio btw

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2023 ⏰

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