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The time finally arrived where it was broken. Their break lasted for 36 days, making it simple to split up the time between the two of their families. The two found out that they don't live too far from each other and that travel won't be a problem.

Kageyama was standing outside of Hinata's dorm with his large duffle bag in hand. He knocked a couple of times. He heard a faint 'come in', so he opened the door. Kageyama saw Hinata throwing things in a bag and shoving in everything he needed.

"You didn't pack beforehand?" Kageyama asked.

"Not everyone is a neat freak like you," Hinata retorted, zipping up his bag.

Hinata slid on his shoes, grabbed a hoodie, and threw it on. He grabbed Kageyama's hand, and they headed out the door. They walked a while to get to the train station. It was a bit far, but they had time to walk.

They bought tickets for the next train to Hinata's town before sitting down to wait. Hinata rested his head on Kageyama's shoulder, obviously bored.

"I'm bored," Hinata whined like a child.

"The train will be here soon," Kageyama replied.

Around 20 minutes later, the train arrived, and the two boarded and took a seat. The train wasn't crowded, but there were more people than one would expect. Hinata yawned and placed his head back on Kageyama's shoulder. Kageyama rested his head on top of Hinata's, closing his eyes. The two fell asleep a short while later.


The train ride to Hinata's town was a little over an hour long. Kageyama woke to the loud screeching breaks of the train. The conductor over the speaker announced the destination and their next stop, which was Hinata's town.

Kageyama turned and saw that Hinata was still sleeping peacefully. He nudged the sleeping boy lightly with his shoulder before saying his name quite loudly in his ear. Hinata was awake, but his eyes were still closed. He mumbled something that Kageyama couldn't understand.

"Come on, our stop is next," Kageyama said.

Hinata opened his eyes, squinting because of the light, and rubbed his eyes. He stretched and relaxed back into his seat for the rest of the ride. He looked so happy and excited to see his family again. Kageyama stared at him.

"Whatcha starin' at?" Hinata asked.

"You," Kageyama replied.

He leaned down and kissed Hinata softly. The two looked through the window as the cemeteries of the next town came into view. They finally reached the train station, and Hinata bounced up and grabbed his bag.

He ran off the train, and Kageyama jogged to keep up with him. Hinata looked frantically around the station for his mother and little sister.

Then Hinata heard a faint " Shoyo!"

He turned and saw Natsu charging at him from a distance. She ran and jumped into his arms, and Shoyo hugged her tight.

"It's so boring with no one to play volleyball or jump rope with," she said.

Soon, his mother caught up with Natsu and gave Shoyo a big hug.

"My little man is back," she said, squeezing her son tightly.

Hinata laughed and squeezed back. His mother turned to Kageyama, whom Natsu just seemed to notice.

"Mom, this is Tobio Kageyama. He is my boyfriend," Hinata said, pausing slightly after saying Kageyama's name.

"It's nice to meet you, Kageyama," Hinata's mother replied, smiling.

"Woah, he's tall," Natsu said," and kind of scary-looking."

"Natsu, be nice," her mother scolded.

They made their way out of the train station and into the parking lot where the car was parked. Kageyama put the bags in the trunk before getting in the backseat next to Natsu, who was staring at him. Hinata sat in the front seat, and his mom was driving.

"Why are you staring at me?" Kageyama asked, his voice completely monotone.

"You look weird," Natsu replied.

"Be nice," her mother said sternly.

"Loo-," Kageyama was cut off by Hinata.

"You'll be nice too."

The two in the backseat looked away from each other and out the window as the car exited the parking lot.

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