II - Well...

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Mary works over us making sure that each of the pieces that have been created are up to her standards. Mine is a simple gold one piece, it covers from ankle to wrist. While it's flexible and the fabric comfortable I know that it could take a hit or two before any real damage comes my way.

"Did Henry state where he is?" I look to my mother. She's still in traditional garments. Her goal is to guide keep a watch bird eye on what's happening. She will stay in the castle with the guards, the techs giving us some new things to try out for her to spy with. Vale groans clipping her metal cuffs onto her wrist. The metal allows her to fine tune her ability and cause someone outside of her range to be invisible without touching them, however it takes a lot of energy that sometimes she can't afford to lose.

"He's in the twelfth sector of Yukin. In his parents warehouse. He believes you are coming alone."

I snort, "Why would I ever come alone to something like this?"

"Honey, he's crazy, no one said he was smart." Florence pats my head getting into the second of the two vehicles we have. Vale pecks my cheeks wiggling her fingers at me.

"Flo and I will stay undercover behind you in the vehicle. Once you find the location, we park off to the side and I'll walk us in without being seen. We are fly's on the wall until you distinctly say our names. Everyone have their weapons?"

We all pat our hips showing the other the sword or sai that sits against our clothing. Mary finally pipes up, "You all should be good. I'll be here to alert the king if anything goes wrong, including with your mother. As of right now he has no idea. I'll also be on stand by if you have to call me in."

"Perfect. Thank you Mary." I wrap my arms around her pulling her in for a large hug. She gushes beneath me mumbling small 'welcomes'.

I pull away first moving to get into the small front hover. We shift on the vehicles, both of us hovering above the ground. I watch the rear view until the hover becomes invisible to the naked eye. Badass. And with a final rumble of the engines we are off into the sky hitting the inter planet highway.

Don't worry Ryder. We have you.


My hover lands right in front of the building. The girls find a deserted alley nearby and land as well a quick text of confirmation that they made it alright. The car door slams closed when I exit, my whole body tightening at the potential ambush that could be awaiting me. But Ryder.

"Welcome, love." Henry. The evil glint in his eyes tells me enough. He reaches out a hand offering it to me. In respect of trying to earn his trust I hand mine to him and let him lead me into the warehouse. The chill of the building settles into my bones, my back going straight in fear. While I've trained my whole life for this moment never did I think I would really have to use any of it.

"I'm here for Ryder."

"Didn't I make it clear what the price of his freedom is?"

"I heard. You want me to submit to you." Nothing sparks between us, not even the static from our shoes walking, "However, if you can't tell we aren't mates."

"No matter. My mate was killed early and you are a perfect replacement."

"Killed early?"

Henry nods walking me farther into the warehouse. I watch a broom shift on the wall behind us. They're here with me. I'm fine. He doesn't stay on a straight path, some left, some right, even a staircase, "Right after I met her actually. A house fire. Tragic."

"You don't sound sad."

"Who said I was? She was weak, powerless. Nothing to her name. I can't mate with someone that doesn't add anything to my table." He uses his free hand to pat mine still held in his tight grip, "But you, you would be a treasure to hang off my arms."

"Of course. A supporter of the star whispers."

"Wouldn't you assume it so, ah here we are." He pushes open a door leading us into a cement room. Ryder is hanging from the ceiling from his hands, weights at his ankles.

"Ryder!" I pull my hand from Henry and rush to Ryder who groans at my presence. His wrists are wrapped in frozen ice like braces to keep them from snapping. Smart Ryder, "Hey. I'm here. I'm here." I say it over and over hoping to make him realize it, but he's to out of it to care.

Henry grabs my shoulder ripping me back from Ryder. My ass hits the ground, body sliding through the room. The unexpected response took power over me allowing him to get an advantage, "Do you understand now, Lillian Lyson? You submit to me or I slit his throat and leave him to bleed out in this warehouse. Your decision?" 

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