The Southside's Fixer

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I was peacefully lost in my slumber, I say 'was' because my rest was interrupted by my phone ringing waking me. I let out a groan while reaching over and grabbing it.

I stare at my phone reading the caller ID 'Deacs' wasn't today a school day? What's he doing calling me?

I sat up on my bed before answering the call putting the phone up to my ear.

Y/n:"Deac why are you calling me at this time?"

Deacon:"Dude, it's almost 3 in the afternoon."


Deacon:"Whatever, anyway it's about those Northsiders we fucked up a week ago, Blackwell heard we had problems with them and offered a job."

(Thought I wasn't gonna be in this one? Well bam! I'm a Northsider, yeah total betrayal. I'm rich and evil now😈)

I scoff at the name, Maverick Blackwell. Maverick was a Northside kid who hung around the Southside a lot. Maverick had nothing but money but says that the people on the Northside bore him so he brings his money down here to the Southside.

Maverick's father owns a company that deals with international trade, rumors say that they transport illegal goods. That would explain why Maverick is able to get his hands on hardcore narcotics which he gives out to the Southside kids and adults, not like he needs the money from it.

People like Maverick Blackwell didn't give a shit about sides, Northside or Southside he could give less of a fuck. The only thing he seemed to judge you on is if you were willing to do some dirt for cash which a lot of us on the Southside needed.

Maverick often offered jobs to the Southside kids, jobs that had to deal with people on the Northside. He'd hire kids to bust up nice cars, or break into a home and steal something for him. Why? Because he was bored.

There was no meaning behind these crimes, Maverick just liked fanning the class war fire that already burned bright here in Small Valley.

Y/n:"Think it could be trouble?"

I heard Deacon on the other line let out a hum in thought.

Deacon:"Nah, but he said the job was big. Could be something good. Help out your mom a lot."

I hated doing jobs for Maverick, they never end well. I'll be risking my neck committing a crime with no meaning just for some cash, but I do need the money.

Y/n:"You're right, I'll swing by later."

Deacon:"Alright, sounds like a plan but wait for Jenna and I."


I nodded to myself before hanging up the phone, I let out a sigh tossing my phone down on the bed. I brought my hands up to my face and rubbed it a bit.

Y/n"Right, time to get up."


I made my way down the stairs all dressed, there I saw Mom laying on the couch asleep in her work uniform. I let out a sigh and approached her, walking around the couch standing in front of her. Se must have gotten home really late. I set my hand on her shoulder and give her a small shake, watching as she slowly began to wake up.

Y/n:"Mom, you're sleep on the couch again."

Mom's eyes slowly fluttered open while looking up at me, her eyes were groggy and glazed, she looked awake.

Mom:"Gimme a sec Declan."

I furrowed my brows and felt a frown form on my face. I watched as mom's eyes widened, she was now fully awake and realized what she called me.

The Delinquents Love(Jenna Ortega x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now