Meeting a Snake Woman

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(I just wanted to clarify last chapter Gore and Y/n were using old Norse to speak to each other so his English is broken"

It was turning to night before long and Y/n and Mor'Du didn't have a shelter yet. It was getting colder, so they kept walking and walking. Before long they both came upon a cave, it looked warm and dry so Mor'Du and Y/n entered the cave. They both found some firewood from the Forrest, and promptly started a fire.




After a while the fire was going good Y/n was warm and Mor'Du was sleeping. Just as Y/n was going to sleep however he heard a hiss. He jumped up alarmed at the hiss, he pulled out his Warhammer and, got ready to strike anything that came after him. He looked around the dark cave trying to find the source of the hiss. After a minute he started smelling the scent of a snake, a big one, after he got the scent yellow slitted  eyes opened in the darkness. But they were too close together to be a snake eyes, no snake had eyes that close together

 But they were too close together to be a snake eyes, no snake had eyes that close together

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(Just to give an idea of what they would look like I do not own this image)

As Y/n was trying to figure out what it was  the creature spoke in a sickeningly sweet voice, like a mother was scolding her young for doing something wrong, yet with a seductive tone underneath

???- "why are you here little one you must be so far from home"

Y/N-". . . "

Y/n kept silent he didn't like that he didn't know what this creature is plus his English sucked

???-" Why don't you come here, I would like to see you more, I rarely get visitors"

Y/n shook his head and stayed where he was not moving a muscle.

???- " are you perhaps scared, scared that I might attack when you come closer, you have no need to be scared, i won't hurt you"

Y/n stood his ground still at the ready to attack if the need arrived

the mysterious creature didn't walk, didn't crawl, it slithered into the glow of the fire, she was beautiful, her brown skin mixed well with her white hair, her lower half was a snake's tail with glittering golden scales that shone like the sun under the glow of the fire. She must have put a lot of work into keeping her scales as shiny as they are.

(Do not own)

???-" now that you have seen me will you come closer"

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???-" now that you have seen me will you come closer"

Y/n still did not move but he did let his hammer down to his side he looked at her up and down he eventually landed his gaze on her lower half, looking at her scales, she smirked and asked

???-" do you like what you see, I know you do I catch all men's eyes"

She then gained a sorrowful look as if she was remembering sad memories

???-" have you ever loved someone so much that you would do anything for them, that you felt like you could do anything if they were by your side. I did once  she's gone now. And in her place a hole was left, I've  been so lonely ever since"

She started to cry, she put hands over her eyes. Y/n sort of felt for her, he never experienced that kind of love before but he knew what it was like to lose someone he loved so cautiously he approached the woman/creature and slowly hugged her she hitched her breath and realized he hugged her. She then wrapped her hands around him and hugged him too. They stayed like that for a second before he let go, walked back to the fire and sat down. After a little bit the Woman slithered over to the fire and sat on some of her coils she coiled up tight. They sat at the fire for a while before she asked

???-" what is your name Boy my name is Echidna"

Y/N-" . . . Y/n. . ."

Echidna -" what a nice name, I've heard so many over the years they blend together, bit I've never heard one like yours before you are unique in more ways than one"

She looked at him with a hunger in her eyes, she then started to slowly move towards him

Echidna -" you know ever since I lost Her I've not loved anyone else since. . . I have wanted to fill the void she left, but everyone I meet either wants to kill me or are scared of me and they run away. Your the first person to not want to kill me nor run away in terror"

She kept slowly slithering closer she was at arms length now and the tip of her tail was slithering to Y/n's leg

Echidna-" You are different than them all, you are also quite handsome"

She was right next to him at that point and her tail was coling around his leg and going up to his manly bits. Her tail eventually wrapped around his manly bits

Echidna-" And big too you should be proud of this monster and his little friends"

She said as she uncoiled his leg, then coiled around him up to his waist, he was blushing hard, Y/n couldn't deny it she was very beautiful. He wanted this as well

Echidna-" I'm sorry I can't control myself it's been so long since someone was kind enough to listen and care for my feelings, so let's enjoy each other in the warmth of my coils at least for tonight, please"

Y/n nodded his head, and Echidna kissed him, she wrapped her top half and Y/n in her smooth golden coils. They made love for a few hours before they both fell asleep in each other's arms.




In the morning both Echidna and Y/n woke up at the same time. Mor'Du walked back into the cave with two deer one for Echidna and Y/n to share and one for him. Y/n being famished from his and Echidna's activity last night decided to eat the deer raw, it's not that bad raw and he actually likes it raw sometimes, Echidna however unhinged her jaw and ate her half whole Y/n noticed that her stomach was a bit bigger than last night, he also noticed that her breasts grew a bit and, started to leak milk, but he had to go. To finish the journey his father gave him. Echidna was sad to see him go but when he wasn't looking she smiled a bit

Y/N-" must go . . . Finish journey"

Echidna-" really must you go"

She looked sad, then she looked him in the eye

Echidna-" alright if you really must go then take this to remind you of me"

She pulls a golden scale tied to a string from her cleavage it was obviously one of her scales. He grabs it, gives it a once over in his hand before lowering his wolf head and tying it into the braid on the back of his head. Echidna gives him a goodbye kiss before Y/n climbed on top of Mor'Du and they both were off.




Once he was gone Echidna looked down to her stomach and rubbed it lovingly she sighed in content and spoke

Echidna-" your father is kind and loving, he is good in bed and empathetic, I wonder how you will turn out, will you be more human like or will you have claws and fangs, will you look more like me or will you look more like him, dont worry you will meet your father, and . . . You will have more siblings from him for he is my husband and nothing can get in-between our love"

Hello again author here and I would just like to say feedback is appreciated and feel free to give suggestions see you next chapter

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