Spiderverse Au part 2

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Cassie loved her nightly trips to different universes. She never meddled with anything, she had seen enough science fiction movies with Todoroki to know better to mess with other realities and their timelines. She would just find a tall building, usually the Empire State Building if the universe she was visiting had one, and she would sit and watch.

She just liked seeing how different each universe was and after a few dimensions, she had come to realize that in other worlds there were other spidermen and women like her. She never interacted with them but she did catch word here and there from her spot looking out on the city. It was a perk of her spider powers, she had extremely good hearing and eyesight as apparently both were common traits of spiders.

She stayed in earth 1610 for several hours, surprisingly she did actually encounter that universe's spiderman. She jumped when she heard someone swinging up behind her and she whirled around before the person's feet could even hit the roof. She raised an eyebrow at the young boy no older than fifteen who stood in front of her looking equally as baffled as she did. She had been using her suit's camouflaged feature to blend in better with her surroundings so it should have been harder for people to detect her, but that was clearly not the case for this worlds Spiderman.

" Who are you? " The boy asked pulling off his Spiderman mask to stare at Cassie. In all her nineteen years of living Cassie was never confronted with a situation like this, why was he revealing his identity to her? He must have been new to the job or something because revealing your secret identity was a big no no in the hero world. " Um... I'm also spiderman... but like not from this universe? " she didn't sound very sure of herself but was relieved when the boy didn't attack her or look at her like she was batshit crazy. " Oh! So you're like my friends right?"

His enthusiasm caught her off guard and she shrugged her shoulders. " I mean if your friends are from other universes then yeah, maybe?" Again her answer came out as more of a question and the younger teen thankfully took it in stride. " My name is Miles, Miles Morales, I'm this worlds Spiderman." He extended his hand for Cassie to shake and she hesitated for a second before placing her hand in his and giving it a firm squeeze. " Cassie Fox, I go by Orchid Weaver when the mask is on." She gives Miles a half smile and he makes a noise, clearly impressed.

" So what are you doing here, did you get trapped in this universe like the others?" He asked her and she shook her head before her eyes grew wide. " Wait wait wait hold up, there are other spider people here, like right now?" She asked incredulously and Miles grinned back at her sheepishly. " Yeah there's a bit of a mess that we're in the middle of cleaning up, I was on my way to go help them when I saw you, hey since your also Spiderman do you want to come help us?"

Cassie would have agreed if she didn't suddenly feel a chill running up her spine. " No, I'm sorry I have to get back to my universe." She started fidgeting with her device pulling up a portal behind her back to her universe. She glanced up at Miles who's expression was a mix of awe and disappointment. She felt bad for not being able to help so she patted his shoulder and gave him a reassuring smile and an awkward thumbs up. " Don't worry, whatever is happening in your world I'm sure you've got this, kick some bad guy ass for me okay?" She turned away from him but paused and glanced over her shoulder. " Oh and Miles, if you figure out the whole multiverse travel thing, come find me and i'll teach you some things about being a spider person."

She smiles when Miles nods his head and backs into the portal. As it closed in around her she sent one last friendly wave to the teen which he returned right away. After re entering her universe she immediately knew something was wrong. If it wasn't clear from the rubble of her once home, the high pitched screaming, fire everywhere she looked and billowing smoke would have been a good indicator.

She gasped quickly swinging from her broken apartment noting that Goldfish was at the very least okay and cowering in her half destroyed cat bed. Cassie paused to pick up her cat and put her in her cat carrier leaving it under the last intact bit of her apartment, promising to come back as soon as she could. She would have time to cry about her lost home later but now she had to focus.

She swung through the city which she could hardly recognize as it crumbled and burned before her eyes, in utter despair. What had happened while she was gone? There were barely any people left and the ones who were didn't seem to be doing so well. She did what she could rushing to aid wounded people when she saw them but they all ended up dying in her arms taking a little piece of her heart with them.

She put out fires and cleared away rubble but none of it mattered anymore. Her hone, Nova York was all but destroyed and she hadn't been there to do anything to stop its destruction. Street after street, body after body Cassie began to lose hope and she hadn't even found her friends and family yet.

She really wished it had stayed that way, she didn't want her last memory of them to be this, she could have pretended that they had gotten away if she never found them. She dropped to the ground in front of her aunt Mayfield's house to find the crushed bodies of both her and her best friend, they had been caught under what appeared to be shrapnel of the house next door, they were already gone by the time her feet touched the ground. Cassie knelt in the middle of the street her eyes wide as tears streamed down her cheeks and her head buried in her hands, she didn't know what to do anymore.

A single name rang through her head and she shot to her feet. She would come back to bury her loved ones but she had to find Todoroki, he was the only person left that she hadn't confirmed dead. Maybe he had made it... maybe he was alive and looking for her, waiting for her.

She found him in front of her shop, he was alive but just barely. Cassie dropped to his side, gently cradling his head in her lap and running her fingers through his messy hair, as she frantically tried to stop the bleeding in his chest. " Hang on just stay with me okay, you're going to be okay, you're not going to die!" She could barely speak she was crying so much.

His hand came up to her cheek and with slow torturous movements he pulled her mask from her face. " It'll be alright Cassie... don't cry." His voice was hushed his breathing nothing but a ragged sigh. Cassie shook her head crying harder, her tears fell onto his face mixing with his. " H- how did you..."

" I've known for awhile now, was just waiting for you to tell me." He cut her off with a weak smile to which Cassie let out a shrill hysterical laugh. " Okay I- I know that look, you can scold me all you want when your all better, just focus on breathing for me Sho." She chided but the light had already started to fade from his beautiful heterochromatic eyes.

" I love you, Cassie." He murmured barely loud enough for her to hear and with what little strength he had left Todoroki threaded his fingers through her messy pink hair and pulled her down for one last kiss. Cassie kissed back desperately trying to hold on to him, to keep him with her for as long as possibly but when his hand fell from her hair she knew he was gone.

She cradled his limp body in her arms sobbing uncontrollably. Apparently while she was away, Alchemex had turned on their super collider before it was fully finished and it had exploded. The explosion was so big it wiped out the entire city and left not a single survivor except for her and Goldfish.

She could have prevented it from being turned on in the first place, she could have stopped the explosion, could have shut down the collider before any of this happened. She could have saved everyone if she were just there when she was supposed to be. But she wasn't there, she was in another world having a casual conversation with another Spiderman.

Cassie spent the next month burying bodies and angrily messing with her multiverse device. She jumped through world after world trying to find one where she hadn't messed up. When she couldn't find another universe like hers she turned to different methods trying to force her multiverse portal to turn back time. She worked day and night never taking breaks desperately trying to get her city, her friends and family, Todoroki, every single thing she had lost that day back.

Finally she made a breakthrough, in front of her was a jittering glitchy mess of a portal, it was haywire from all her fiddling but she didn't care anymore she had to keep trying. Cassie slowly approached the portal while her hand reaching forward to touch the swirling mass of inky black energy, a stark contrast to its previously bright yellowish orange glow. Tendrils of the energy wrapped around her fingers and before she could even think to pull away, the portal she had created sucked her in.

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