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Upper West Side, Manhattan, New York
October 2020

Alexandra POV

I woke up to the lovely silence of my house. Tatum had went to stay with Rose at their place for the night. So it was very quiet which I'm not going to lie, I truly loved and have missed over these last many years.

It's also been almost four months, actually no it's only been just over three weeks, but it feels so much longer than that.. 

It's now the beginning of October, and we moved here in the beginning of September ish.. I don't even know, it doesn't feel like we just moved here. 

It's only been about a month and a bit, but I am starting to miss home a lot. Yeah I grew up in Los Angeles, but the weather in New York is much like Stretford so it's giving me a lot more "home sickness".

My family are already planning to fly out here to NYC for Christmas this year. As Mackenzie really wants to experience "Christmas in New York". Like what a loser, it's not different than ours back home but whatever.

She claims that it's only because she wanted to know if the "Hallmark Movies" get it right.

I shook off my thoughts of everything in the future to try to focus on right now, the present and try not to focus on anything else that could be happening in the next little while.

I slowly sat up a little in bed while rubbing my eyes. 

I slowly opened them before reaching to grab my phone before leaning back against my headboard. I unlocked my phone and began scrolling through Instagram before getting a text.

Darling ❤️

Darling ❤️:
Good Morning,
are you awake?

Good Morning,
and yeah I am

Darling ❤️:
Oh thank god!

What's up Liz?

Darling ❤️:
I'm in Atlanta now
and I'm really bored

so you're back in the States now?

Darling ❤️:
Mhm yeah I am

I'm glad that your back

It showed that she was texting back before it abruptly stopped. I frowned a little before her name popped up on my screen.

I smiled a little as I answered to see her standing in her bathroom.

"Morning Darling", I greet and she looked at me with a smile.

"Morning Angel", she replies back and I smiled a little.

"What're you doing?", I ask and she hums.

"Washing my face from filming all night", she tells me and I shook my head.

"Long night?", I ask and she tiredly nodded.

"Yeah very long night, I was excited to come lay down", she says and I smiled a little.

"How is filming going though?", I ask and she smiles.

"It's not horrible, it's nice to work with everyone again.", she says sadly and I smiled a little.

"How's New York?", she asks changing the subject.

"It's not horrible, I've managed to avoid the twins since I moved here. But that won't last long, they will find out at some point", I tell her and she laughed.

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