ONE - 1 of 3 | Our Secret Life

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Jin Kyung woke up from the drop of sunlight piercing from the window. Slowly opening her eyes, the corners of her lips instantly curved upward by the sound of a groan that came from her behind. Feeling him brush his strong arms sneakily gripped around her bare waist, she smiles a little more.

A moment later, when she sensed the calmness in his breathing returning to normal, she slowly unwrapped his arms around her, soothingly scooped off and sat on the side of the bed.

Smoothly stretching her arms up, she stifled a yawn before her head quipped, now looking at her man -- reminding her of the calm ocean at sunrise. She stays staring at him for a good whole minute, just watching him fast soundly asleep on his stomach. Afterwards, she bent lightly to have an angle as her right five fingers soothingly brushed through his hair and gave him a peck on the cheek before she finally stood up on her feet and reached for her robe to cover her slim naked body.


An hour and a half later, she found herself settled on their balcony, a cup of coffee in her hands to ward off the chill of the arctic wind that wrapped itself around her. Still in her robe, she stays there until the eight o'clock morning sun sets on her fair beautiful face, giving her a momentary warmth until she feels someone's presence sneaking a way into her solitude.

"Morning my yeobo-yeobo~" Suk Kyu mumbles near her ear, ticklish, making her giggle, but soon frowns when the coffee she's enjoying is nowhere to be seen in her possession.

"Hey, make your own!" she insisted, but it wouldn't budge him as he settled next to her, sniggering and teasing her, but sometime later, they ended up sharing it while enjoying each other's company and the great city view which was bathing in beauty.

"You're up early. Did I snore that loud?" Suk Kyu quirkily remarked, then passed her the coffee, which she gladly accepted.

Jin Kyung giggles on her seat, shaking her head in the process, "You sometimes snore like a hulk, but last night was an exemption. I think my body clock tends to change sometimes." she explained, then sips on the cup.

Suk Kyu looked at her, showing off a disarming smile, "Especially when we enjoy some frequent nights, huh?"

Just like that, an instant groan gaped out of his mouth, and he whimpered back while rubbing his right arm from her hard whack, snapping his pretentiousness flew quickly away.

"You really deserve some beating."

"Yaaa, yeobo, that hurts!" he complained, his voice retorting, pitching high like a kid.

Jin Kyung then stood up, offering him an almost concerned soft face, then leaning to give him a peck on his lips, but soon her expression changes and embarked, "That, you deserve." then quickly ran away from him with her little giggles following.

Suk Kyung, on the other side, couldn't help but snicker at her adorableness. Her temper is definitely something he loves provoking and embracing. Her mood is unpredictable, but now he knows every street of it. Being with her is like learning something new every day, but what can he say -- he loves learning her anyway.

A few minutes later, Jin Kyung came back after refilling their cup of coffee. She chose not to get another cup because the coffee tasted differently -- good, when she was sharing it with him. Rawr.

[It had to be you,
It had to be you,
I wandered around, and I finally found,
The somebody who~]

Carefully entering their room, she was abruptly welcomed by the sound of the vinyl player, a familiar song playing in their bedroom's air. It's Barbra Streisand's song version of It Had To Be You -- their favorite.

When her eyes shifted to look at the direction of the balcony, she saw Suk Kyu gallantly stepping inside, striding his way towards her direction with a bright smile plastered all over his face.

What a kid.

She thought.

Jin Kyung couldn't help but smile widely -- it's so wide that her dimples are both appearing even more deeply on each side of her cheeks.

[Could make me be true,
And could make me be blue,
And even be glad,
Just to be sad, thinking of you~]

Finally reaching the love of his life, Suk Kyu gave her a soft kiss before taking the cup of coffee from her hand, placing it on the small table at the corner, and went back to her in one swift motion.

There he is, playfully wiggling his eyebrows as she suppresses her equal delight, snorting a snicker until she feels his strong arms sneak around her slender body. Returning the favor, her arms glided up onto his shoulders and snaked around his nape, and that's when they felt -- home.

Suk Kyu gently reached for her chin and slightly tilted her head, meeting her eyes, "Yeobo... Do you know how beautiful you are?"

Just like that, both of her cheeks turned into crimson red, frantically waving her hand at the side of her face to dispel the vapor, "Shut up."

Their bodies are terribly warm as if they are hugging each other's souls. Despite both still being dressed only in their robes, they can't help but keep swaying, giggling, and laughing enormously -- sharing this beautiful moment that will surely last forever in their lives. Their passion for each other has indeed never left in spite of being together for seven years now; instead, their love keeps blooming, and it's radiating evidently throughout each other.

Love makes people beautiful, indeed.

[For nobody else gave me a thrill,
With all your faults, I love you still,
It had to be you,
Wonderful you,
It had to be you~]

Every move they synchronously make, or every time they meet each other's eyes, it's like peeking into each other's naked soul. It felt like talking without actually talking, but they're still completely in the same page -- they just knew. There is definitely more to them than meets the eye.

"Yeobo, I have something to tell you." he uttered in between.

"Mm?" she hums, leaning on the side of his right face, waiting for his response but receiving nothing. Instead, an abrupt squirm gasped from her mouth as she yelp in surprise when she felt the sensitive skin right under her right ear is now battling with his teeth, biting her like a vampire.

"Ya!" she retorted, but burst into laughter -- with him joining in, as the sensation is evidently tinted under her skin, leaving her all satisfied and wanted.

Oh, this man... Well, what can I say - he's my man.

The couple continued dancing and teasing around until the baby monitor suddenly made a babbling sound -- indicating that their babies are already awake next to their bedroom.#

It Had To Be You | Sussaemsabu One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now