warm hugs (renhyuck)

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this fiction was not made to mock. this is purely made from the author's personal experiences.

this chapter was based from my own experience, and put onto the main character.


"LEE FUCKING JENO!!!" jaemin yelled, chasing the boy around the living room.

the dorm was always loud, hence the reason why renjun had learned to tune them out.

when he was away for his grandmother's funeral, it was like he was a ghost to everyone else.

usually..he'd be out there. laughing along with the others.

he didn't know how the others thoughts worked, he'd push the tight feeling away and go on with his day.

he sat there on his bed, quietly looking at the food he had taken an hour ago

he hasn't taken a bite, he didn't feel like it.

renjuns head shot up as his door opened, revealing jisung, who looked like he was forced to pay a visit.

"mark hyung asked if you wanted to eat with us."

renjun nodded, getting up from his bed and taking his plate along with him.

the loud, happy laughs just made renjun's stomach turn. he felt so...so out of place.

he sat there between donghyuck and jisung, quietly eating his food, blurring and tuning out everything else around him.

a few minutes went by and renjun hasn't finished half of his meal, getting up, he made his way to the bathroom and locked the door.

the sickening feeling of his fingers going down his throat made him cry, tears streaming down his face as he vomited the food he ate

he flushed the toilet and laid against the door, covering his ears, wanting to avoid hearing the loud voices of the people he was in the same dorm with.

honestly, he didn't need friends. he needed someone to listen to him, to hug him, to understand how he felt.

assurance isn't something you should ask for, but something that should be given.


"moomin..." renjun whispered, putting his favorite figurine on his shelf, clapping happily to himself afterwards

he flinched, listening to the knocks.

he sighed and walked up to his door, twisting the doorknob,

"i got some snacks for you." donghyuck said, handing him the bag as soon as the door was wide open. "you didn't finish your food earlier, just wanted to make sure you were full tonight."

renjun nodded, "thank you."

voice so small, so quiet.

he wasn't like the old renjun.

giggly, hugging people who make him happy, what happened to old renjun?

how could he become so dull, so sad, so empty?

"i'll...i'll see you later." donghyuck mumbled, wanting to give renjun space.

renjun sighed and closed the door, looking inside of the plastic bag.

it was filled with his favorite chips, gummies, and drinks.


he placed the bag down on his desk, looking down at his feet where a yellow sticky note fell,

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