Chapter 19 - The Funeral

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Hiro approached Hikari with tenderness and said, "Let's choose a place to hold the funeral..." Hikari replied, still crying, "I already know where we can do it..."

With her magical ice abilities, Hikari created a coffin the size of King and carefully placed her loyal companion's body inside. The coffin shimmered with Hikari's magic, a tribute to King's nobility and bravery.

The three of them left the palace and were greeted by a starry night, where the celestial glow illuminated the entire city. Surprisingly, all the inhabitants were asleep, even on the streets, as if a peace had finally settled upon them.

Hiro looked around, feeling compassion for the citizens. "Poor souls... I wonder how long it has been since they last had a good night's sleep," he murmured, understanding the burden that Apollo's rule had placed upon the city.

Hikari lifted her gaze to the sky, contemplating the twinkling stars. A sad smile formed on her lips. "King, it was you who gave them this rest..." she whispered with gratitude and sorrow in her heart.

They walked through the quiet streets, respecting the sleep of those who had long forgotten true peace. It was a bittersweet feeling, knowing that their battle had come at a price, but also acknowledging the relief they had brought to those suffering lives.

Hiro says to Hikari, "Before we leave, let's stop by the tavern. I need to retrieve the things that were left in the room." Hikari and Ace nod in agreement, and they all head together to the tavern.

Upon arriving at the tavern, they find everyone present also fast asleep. Hiro says, "Let's be quiet not to wake anyone up. After all, they still don't like us..." Carefully, they first enter the room where Hiro and Ace stayed. While Hiro packs his belongings, Hikari, who is distraught over King's departure, picks up the letter in hopes of seeing King's handwriting to warm her heart. To her surprise, Arthur had responded.

"Hiro! Arthur replied!" exclaims Hikari, filled with emotion.

Hiro, surprised, asks, "What does the letter say?" His heart racing with curiosity and anticipation.

Hikari begins to read aloud:

"Dear friends,

I hope you are well. As for the contents of the book, allow me to explain in detail. About 10,000 years ago, there was a religion that worshiped 12 Gods, each associated with zodiac signs based on the constellations we know today. The signs and gods were as follows: Aries - Ares; Taurus - Aphrodite; Gemini - Athena; Cancer - Artemis; Leo - Apollo; Virgo - Demeter; Libra - Hera; Scorpio - Hades; Sagittarius - Zeus; Capricorn - Persephone; Aquarius - Prometheus; Pisces - Poseidon.

This totals 12 signs, and the most intriguing part is that they worshiped stones that supposedly contained the power of these gods. It is believed that those who possessed such stones and were under the appropriate constellation's influence could also take on their appearance, becoming even stronger.

The final part of the book mentions a mysterious 13th sign, but the following pages are erased, and I could not find any information about this supposed sign. After researching in the records of my village, I discovered that there indeed was a stone that Ares carried. However, this relic disappeared a long time ago. I suppose that all the villages that Signs of Light attacked also possessed these stones at some point.

Somehow, the Signs of Light managed to steal them, but what I still don't understand is what they are seeking. I am willing to bet all my chips that it has something to do with this enigmatic 13th sign.

I hope this information is helpful for you. If you need my assistance, I am at your disposal.

Best regards, Arthur"

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