Chapter Three: (Y/N) First Day On The Job!

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[No they will not look like this up top. I'll add a pic later on.]

(Y/N) POV ~ 

    I wake up and look to my night stand to see that I'm up 15 mins before my alarm clock went off. I must have been so happy to get to see Sun and Moon that my body got me up before the clock could. I got up for the day and did my morning routine and with the 15 mins I got left before I had to go to interview I made me some lunch.

     Ones I was done making my lunch I got out of the small apartment and into my old car. From my apartment to the Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex is about 30 mins on a good day so it will take some time but for me that's all the time I'll need to think about my life. So far it wasn't the best life but now I'll have to say that things are looking up for me. The pay I was about to ask for and having the power over the Sun and Moon animatronic.

     Sadly it wasn't one of the good days were I can just get there with out anything going wrong. I have been stop at every one of the red lights! And that's just the being! I was stop by a police officer and was told that one of my tail-lights was out as well that my ID had expired too! I had to beg the officer to not give me a ticket by saying that I was on my way to a job interview at the Pizzaplex. 

     When I did get to the Pizzaplex I had to stop too clam myself down for a bit so I started to singing a little; [You are My Sunshine - Christina Perri]

"You are my sunshine
My only sunshine
You make me happy
When skies are gray
You'll never know, dear
How much I love you
Please don't take
My sunshine away

The other night, dear
As I lay sleeping
I dreamed I held you
In my arms
When I awoke, dear
I was mistaken
So I hung my head and I cried

You are my sunshine
My only sunshine
You make me happy
When skies are gray
You'll never know, dear
How much I love you
Please don't take
My sunshine away"

     After I had clam down I got out of the car and made my way to the entrance of the Pizzaplex as I see people going in. Ones I made my in I see the manager, Dave, I believe that was his name. He walked over to me passing by a few people telling them to have fun. When he got to me he told me that the Sun/Moon animatronic was in 'Parts and Service' powered down. 

     He told me that a big part of the interview was for me to work in the Superstar Daycare for the day with-out the help of the daycare attendant. I asked if that was why they were in Parts and Service at the moment but he said that there was a lot of complaints about the daycare attendant. So mush so that they had even talked about discontinuing them before they got word about me wanting to get a job working with the animatronic and be their only mechanic that can work on them.

     When he was done he handed me a full map of the Pizzaplex saying that the daycare will be opened in one hour. But before I left for the daycare he stop me, "Oh! There is a outfit for when you are working at the daycare you'll need to wear. You're things like the security badge  and ID are on the desk as well. Good Luck on you're first day!" With that done I looked at the map to see where I need to go to get to the daycare.

     The daycare was not far from the entrance of the Pizzaplex so I was able to get ready before the parents came to drop off their kids. As the kid were left with me they asked where Sun was as he was, "Oh, Sun? He is out for the day at the doctor's office. He wasn't feeling to well so I came to help him out. Now then, why don't you go play for a bit as I wait for the others to come. If you have anything to ask, pls come to me." (The Kids are 3-4-5 years of age. There are two that are older like 6. There being 13 kids here this day.)

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