Chapter 6: Helping Fix Roxanna

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(Y/N) POV ~

     I took this time to get some sleep in as I didn't want to go another night without it. But I didn't get to sleep for long as I was awakened by that dam bunny! "My my my!~ Look what I have here!~ The keys to someone's car.~" I didn't know how she got my car keys but I still have my backup keys to the car with me at all times. (Oh~ you found my car keys?~ Too bad for you.~ I have a backup for that dump car for when I get locked out of it!~ Ps. You're a B****!~) I thought to myself as I heard her leave the Daycare. I looked at my phone to see it was just now 4:30 am.

     So I took this time to read some Fan made books on an app called Wattpad. As I was reading a book about SunxMoon, (It must be the same people who said they were a thing back then), I heard the Pizzaplex open for the day. I looked to see that it was 7:30 am. I must have gotten lost in this book, (it was just getting to the good part too.) I got up and this time made sure to take my things with me.

     ~Time Flying By Thanks to the SUN AND MOON~

     Over the next seven days, I worked on getting the ball pit cleaned up. Like taking all the balls out bit by bit and putting them into big bins full of sanitizing water. Then take them out to dry off before getting more colorful balls out to clean. But before I got to the cleaning up of the ball pit I made sure it was ok for me to get a gun for when I stayed overnight. I even put a sign up outside the daycare saying that the ball pit was being cleaned and that the cleaner had a gun so stay out of there. The sign did explain why I had to have the gun and about the person who was getting into the Pizzaplex at night. 

     As the seven days passed by the Glamrocks would come over from time to time and talk to me as they helped me clean the ball pit. It was a lot to clean up for just one person but at least that b**** didn't come back. Thought Glamrock Freddy was talking about how a night security guard got sick. (Maybe they have something in common? That guard and the b****.) 

     On day seven the bed and even the cameras had come in for the daycare! They were a day early so I was able to get them into the daycare attendant's room with the help of all the Glamrocks. After they had left to go get ready for the day with the kids, I started to put the bed up. I looked at the time when I was done to see that it was 9:47 am. So I took this time to see where I could put the cameras with the help of the hook from the ceiling. But as I was putting up the cameras where they could see all, if not most of the daycare, I started to sing a little song.

[When the song says she/her just replace it with he/him.]

     Once I was done putting them up I took out my phone to make sure they were working as they should before sending a text over to 'Sun/Moon's Mom' saying that I have a new look for Sundrop and Moondrop with both of the new blueprints for them. Asking if it will be okay for me to go through with the new design for the two daycare animatronics. As I was waiting for her answer I started to disinfect the two play structures as I started to think about how they haven't updated them for some time now and that it may be time for one.

     After I was done with disinfecting them I looked at my phone to see that she had texted me back, "Mmm, I do like the new blueprints for them and it will make them seem more friendly than the old ones that's for sure. So yes, you have my permission to go through with this. Oh! Would you like for me to add this new design to Little Eclipse for you?" I told her that it would mean a lot to me if she could do that for me and asked her how the little one had been. "Oh, they had been nothing but a ball of fun for me. I even started to help them with reading! And they called me GRANDMA TODAY!!!" I was happy to see that she was having fun with Eclipse <3. I sent her some heart emojis before getting off the phone.

      I took one more look at the new room for Sun and Moon before going off to see them in 'Parts and Service'. On the way over to them I was stopped by a few people asking about the daycare and why it had been so long since it was open. I told them that the daycare attendant was getting an update and that it was the reason the daycare would be out of service. I was even stopped by some of the Glamrocks, [That being Freddy, Chice, and Monty], they asked why they hadn't seen Sun or even Moon at all since I got here. I told them that I was their new human daycare attendant and mechanic. That I was able to get permission to give them a new design so that they both can have two bodies again with some upgrades.

     They were happy to hear that Sun and Moon would have their own bodies even a personal human daycare attendant/mechanic for them too. Freddy said that they were happy that Sun or even Moon didn't get discontinued and that they would be back in the daycare soon.

     When I got to the 'Parts and Service' room I saw there were a few people working on Roxanne but she was not letting them. She was saying that she would only let her handler, Brianna, fix her and not anyone else. "LET ME GO! I'LL ONLY LET MY HANDLER, BRIANNA, FIX ME! YOU KNOW THAT!" She yelled out as I walked closer to them. "What's wrong? Why can't you guys just go get Roxanne's Handler?" I asked one of the people off to the side. "We'd love to have her here to fix Roxanne's broken arm but she is on sick leave at the moment."

     After hearing this I walk over to Roxanne, "Hey, my name is (Y/N). I'll be the Handler for Sun and Moon in the Daycare. I have heard that you have a broken arm, right? May I see it?" I asked her as I couldn't see what was wrong with it from where I was at. "Mmm, as long as you do not try to fix it then yes." As I looked at her arm I saw that it was still mostly intact if not for her elbow bearly staying on her. "How did your arm come to be like this? If you don't mind me asking." She told me that she was going to get something for one of the kids when another one came out of nowhere and hit her. "Mmm, I see...Just give me a moment to look for something and I'll be right back." I say to Roxanne as I walk to one of the tables that has some white cloth on it. 

     It took a good few minutes to make something that would work for the time being for Roxanne until her handler could come back but that was ok. After I was done making an arm sling I walked back over and put it on for her. "There this way you can still work with the kids and wait for you're handler, Brianna, to come back. Just don't let the kids pull on it and you'll be ok." I say to her as I pull out a marker and write my name on it. "Wow! Thanks a lot! (Y/N), right? I hope to see you around!" 

     With that done with and her back in Roxy Raceway the other mechanics come over to me thanking me for the help. They said that it was a lot to deal with for them so they were just coming to turn her off to work on her but now they don't have to deal with her being mad at them for the next month. They told me that if I needed anything to ask them about it and they'd see what they could do for me. So I asked them if there was any endo-skeleton that was about 7 feet tall and that I needed two of them. 


[words: 1,527]

[This is what they will look like after you fix them up!]

[This is what they will look like after you fix them up!]

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[It took so long to find this pic!]

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2023 ⏰

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